
Collaboration in education is one of the central objectives of the 4EU+ European University Alliance. 4EU+ intends to build its shared approach to university educa-tion by encouraging collaborative projects bringing together academics from the six 4EU+ member universities.

The projects can vary in form: from workshops and other short-term intensive learning experiences, through joint courses and modules, to core curricula and joint study programmes.

We are looking for:

  • Innovative educational ideas and solutions, new designs or new activities that may attract students across the whole 4EU+ Alliance

  • Project proposals which envisage an active involvement of students, both in the creation of educational activities and in their implementation

  • Projects that are sustainable in the long-term educational collaboration (e.g. entail the development of partial study programmes or full programmes)

  • In the second call for educational proposals we would like to encourage ap-plicants to:

    • design activities and propose formats that will be aimed especially to BA students

    • submit project proposals focused on Data Literacy (among other Flag-ship-related projects).

Please note that:

  • Project teams that received funding in the first call for educational proposals and wish to submit another proposal for a different project in the second call are most welcome to do so. This includes short-term projects that were selected in the first call and have already completed their scheduled activities.

  • Project teams whose proposals were not accepted in the first call are encouraged to resubmit their revised proposals in the second call.

  • Important information for the project teams working on the implementation of the first-call projects: If you would like your project consortium to be enlarged by partners from 4EU+ member university/ies not yet represented in your project team, please contact your local 4EU+ office.


All projects must meet the following conditions:

  • to involve at least three 4EU+ member universities (lead university + minimum 2 partner universities)

  • be of thematic relevance to one of the four 4EU+ Flagships

  • to include educational activity/ies (pure research activities cannot be part of the project’s work plan)

  • to involve any kind of student mobility (physical, virtual, or blended)

Please note that:

  • One project team can submit only one proposal

  • All team members must be informed about the submitted proposal and must agree to the proposed budget

  • At least two full weeks prior to submitting their proposals, applicants are asked to contact the local 4EU+ offices to consult on their draft application (especially on the budget part). Project leaders should contact the 4EU+ local office at their home university before submitting the proposal.

  • Please note that the faculty or department you are affiliated with should also be informed about your plans to submit a proposal or to join a project team. Some 4EU+ partner universities require that applicants submit a letter of consent signed by the head of the faculty or department, providing a formal authorisation to participate in the project. Please contact your local 4EU+ office to receive more information on the internal rules.

  • Please understand that as the funding period of the Erasmus+ “European Universities” project ends on 31 October 2022, your project has to close by 30 September 2022, preferably earlier (May/June 2022). All project teams will have to submit a technical and financial report by October 2022 at the latest.

Online application form

Please note that the online appication form will be automatically disabled on 2 March 00:00 (midnight), which means that the system will accept applications only until 1 March, 23:59. We strongly advise you not to leave your application to the last minute. Please keep in mind that in case you realise you forgot something or you made a mistake in the online form, you can resubmit the online form again. Only the most recent version of your online application will be considered for evaluation.

In order to make it easier for the project teams to work together on the application, we have prepared a fillable PDF document of the online application form that can be used for drafting your proposal and sharing it among the members of a project team. Please note: the application must be submitted via the online application form and the PDF can only serve as a working version. DO NOT send the completed PDF document as your application.


NOTE: The budget table is not included in the online application form. Please upload the Excel Budget Spreadsheet as an attachment to the online form before submitting the application. You will find an option “Upload your budget Excel file here” in the section of the online application form dedicated to the budget. When planning the budget for your proposal please refer to the Financial Guidelines (you can find them linked below under Useful information).


Important dates

Opening date for proposal submissions: 2 January 2021

Closing date for proposal submissions: 1 March 2021.

Selection results: The results of the call will be announced in the beginning of May 2021. Applicants will be notified about the selection results by email.

Funding period: 1 June 2021 – Autumn 2022

Start of educational activities:

  • educational activities of smaller scope, e.g. summer schools, workshops, etc.: 1 June 2021

  • courses, educational modules, joint programmes: winter or summer semester 2021/2022 (check the academic calendar at each 4EU+ partner university).

Useful information

Financial guidelines



All information from the workshop are available here.

Frequently Asked Questions

Search for partners

If you have an idea for a project proposal, but you do not have partners at other 4EU+ universities yet, you can submit a call for project partners on the 4EU+ Sharepoint. Your idea will not be shared publicly; only academics from the 4EU+ universities who have access to the Sharepoint will be able to see it. To register to the site, submit a call for project partners, or view all the calls, please follow these instructions:

4EU+ Sharepoint: Search for partners

Evaluation process and criteria

The proposals will be processed in the following way:

  1. Proposals are submitted via online application form by the Project Coordi-nator (PI).

  2. Proposals are evaluated in three phases by three different evaluator groups:

    ● Phase 1: Project Officers

    ● Phase 2: Flagship Programme Committee

    ● Phase 3: Expert group on education

    The final list of selected projects is approved by the Management Committee.

  3. The local 4EU+ officers will inform the applicants about the selection results and provide further information on the project management in practical terms (including financial management).


If you have any questions or are already thinking about handing in a proposal, please contact your local 4EU+ office. 4EU+ offices will be able to offer their support in matters related to the educational aspect of your proposal or the project’s mobility component. In case you are thinking of designing a joint degree programme, 4EU+ officers will be able to liaise between your project team and university experts in the field. We are looking forward to your proposals!

Below you will find contact details of officers at each 4EU+ member university:

Charles University:

Heidelberg University:

Sorbonne University:

University of Copenhagen:


University of Milan:

University of Warsaw:

List of the projects accepted in the First Call for Educational Proposals

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