The organisational structure of the 4EU+ Alliance is built around the governance of each member institution, creating a solid framework upheld by a range of bodies and entities.
The Governing Board is the main decision-making body of 4EU+, responsible for defining the vision, mission, strategy and policies of the Alliance. It is composed of the Rectors or Presidents of the member universities. The chairmanship of the Governing Board rotates on a yearly basis among its members.
The Management Committee guides and oversees the development and implementation of the 4EU+ vision, mission, the overall work plan and work of the Working Groups. It is formed by the Secretary General and a responsible Vice-Rector/Vice-President from each member university.
The Academic Council has an advisory and consultative role to the Governing Board. It is made up of six representatives from the Academic Councils or Senates of each 4EU+ university: three academic staff members, two students and one representative of administrative staff.
The External Advisory Board provides advice to the governing bodies of the Alliance. It consists of representatives of the Associated Partners.
The Student Committee serves as the representative body for the student community across 4EU+ universities. It consists of three student representatives from each institution, one of whom is also a member of the Student Executive Committee responsible for overseeing the work of the Student Committee and liaising with other Alliance bodies.
The 4EU+ Alliance has established the "4EU+ European University Alliance e.V." association, with the office serving as the General Secretariat located in Heidelberg, Germany. Led by the Secretary General, the General Secretariat plays a key role within the organisational structure of the Alliance. It serves as a central hub, ensuring seamless coordination with 4EU+ local offices and facilitating effective communication among the various bodies within the Alliance. The General Secretariat oversees day-to-day management, provides comprehensive support to all members, and actively promotes the vision, ambitions and identity of the 4EU+ Alliance.
The Executive Board of the association consists of the Secretary General, one or more of the deputies and the members of the Management Committee.
The institutional local coordination of Alliance activities is facilitated through the 4EU+ Local Offices established at each member university. The offices consist of the Head of the Local Office and Project Officers responsible for various aspects of alliance and project work. They are typically supported by experts at their respective universities. The Heads of the Local Offices, together with the Secretary General, convene as the G9, providing strategic support to the Management Committee. They ensure adequate links between different Alliance bodies and drive the advancement of the objectives and initiatives of the Alliance.
4EU+ Working Groups are instrumental bodies within the Alliance, comprising experts from the member universities and members of the 4EU+ Local Offices. These groups focus on specific dimensions of collaboration and contribute to the Alliance's overall objectives. They report to the 4EU+ Management Committee. Currently, the Alliance has four Working Groups: WG Education, WG Mobility, WG Communications, and WG Resarch.
Each 4EU+ Flagship is guided by a Flagship Programme Committee (FPC) that oversees the development and implementation of all Flagship initiatives. The FPCs are composed of representatives from each 4EU+ university, comprising academics with expertise in the specific field covered by each Flagship. They are responsible for designing thematic areas, coordinating activities, and mobilizing academics from their respective universities to actively participate in Flagship-related initiatives.
As part of its governance, 4EU+ introduced 4EU+QUALITY, a comprehensive quality management system to ensure and continuously enhance the quality of the Alliance's educational activities. It aims to provide the best possible conditions for the students and aligns with the strategic goals of the Alliance. The system undergoes external review by the External Reviewing Board (ERB), a panel of critical friends responsible for evaluating and monitoring the effectiveness the Alliance's quality management system. The results of this external reviewing process are publicly accessibly (download the latest report here). Read more about the quality management system of the 4EU+ Alliance.