
Mission and vision

The 4EU+ European University Alliance is a transnational strategic association of Charles University in Prague, Heidelberg University, Paris-Panthéon-Assas University, Sorbonne University in Paris, the University of Copenhagen, the University of Geneva, the University of Milan, and the University of Warsaw.

The cooperation, originally called 4EU, was founded in 2018 by Charles University in Prague, Heidelberg University, Sorbonne University in Paris and the University of Warsaw, and expanded in October 2018 under the name 4EU+ to include the universities of Copenhagen and Milan. The University of Geneva has been a member of the Alliance since August 2022 and Paris-Panthéon-Assas University joined in July 2023. The partnership grew out of the idea of a European university based on academic freedom and autonomy that wants to offer equal access to education.


The 4EU+ Alliance has one vision: to create one comprehensive research-intensive European University through a new quality of cooperation in teaching, education, research and administration. All our activities build on academic freedom and autonomy, ensuring a student-centred, fairly accessible and participative education.

To build this one comprehensive research-intensive European University, the 4EU+ Alliance will focus on three main ambitions:

Boost meaningful mobility

Better integrating our curricula and making mobility seamless for students in terms of education and employment prospects.

Develop a common challenge-based framework for education

Designing flexible learning paths and ensuring graduates have 21st-century skills that combine research-based education, diverse language skills and a strong global and European outlook.

Increase inclusiveness and balance at a European level

Redressing inequalities in university capabilities to continually develop eight strong institutions striving together towards one common vision.


Every aspect of our cooperation is grounded in the following shared core values: 

  • Research and Education excellence 

  • Academic and research freedom 

  • Democratisation of education 

  • Interdisciplinarity 

  • Inclusion  



Together, our eight comprehensive universities strive to equip the next generation of citizens with the skills needed to face and solve global challenges. Strongly embedded in our local territories and sharing European values with a global outlook, we are committed to lead by example in creating barrier free synergies and cooperation in learning, research and innovation.

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4EU+ in numbers


The eight members of 4EU+ are large, well-established, comprehensive, public research universities.

They are among the top institutions in their respective countries. 


Doctoral candidates

Academic staff

Administrative and technical staff

Joint 4EU+ projects

Including 4EU+ joint educational projects, academic mini-grants, student-minigrants, SEED4EU+ and Visiting Professorships projects