
Frequently Asked Questions

Second call for 4EU+educational proposals: FAQ

Is it possible to buy equipment for students (tablets, computers, storage devices) to use during the project?

Please refer to the financial guidelines:

Equipment at each university is eligible, if directly linked to the project and for this use only, but we do not have shared property. A project can apply to fund two laptops, each in the property of one university, but not one laptop with shared property rights from two or more universities. If the equipment is subject to depreciation (according to your university’s internal rules), only these depreciation costs will be funded.

What exactly is a micro-credential?

Micro-credential = proof of learning outcome of a short stand-alone course (or module)

My question concerns micro-credentials: how to calculate them and how to indicate them in the project (compared to ECTS)

A rough estimate of 4-6 ECTS per micro-credential can be used.

Are microcredentials addressed only to people who are not part of the Universities (students or similar), or can we plan microcredentials also for students (for examples of other faculties)?

A learning module/course that qualifies for being a micro-credential may be made available, in principle, to both internal and external users. However, given the freedom and lack in legislation that characterises the national landscape at each 4EU+ university, it is currently difficult to find a unique implementation way valid for all countries. On a short time scale, implementation for the students may be easier than for externals, for instance by making use of complementary or elective activities.

What do you mean by the fact that the project must involve 3 universities? Does it mean that in the project should participate students from 3 universities or have staff member from 3 universities?

Project should be implemented by academic teachers from minimum 3 universities. In order to involve students from all universities, project team should consist of representatives of all 6 universities.

Concerning the eligibility to propose projects: Are student initiatives/groups of students also eligible to propose and implement projects? If not, who is and how can students be included in proposals?

Academic teachers and academic staff can apply, but students and PhD candidates can be involved in implementing the project as team members or co-coordinators. The main coordinator should be someone from academic staff.

How to make compatible undertaking traditional classroom course at other 4EU+ university with having at the same time traditional classroom courses at my home university?

We would probably propose, among other solutions, some form of blended mobility in that case, regarding teaching. And maybe thinking about making short-time f2f modules that would fit within the academic calendars.

Regarding the use of funding, can the projects selected at the first call (which were delayed due to the Covid for example) also have the deadline in 2022?

Yes, funding period of both calls ends on 30 September 2022.

Can we just write in case of restrictions due to pandemics that the costs for physical mobility will be just not used and be given back?

That is not an ideal solution because each university will reserve the given amount of funding in its budget. If the funds are not used, Erasmus+ grant will be reduced.

Are you planning a third Call? When and which deadline in case?

We don´t plan a third call for joint educational activities at the moment.

Regarding summer schools, the definition given earlier seems to indicate that a summer school is not sustainable because it is temporary or organized only once. In SU, we have summer schools (for example in marine stations) which have been organized every year for many years. They are permanent and students can obtain ECTS and can in certain courses integrate them into their training. These are therefore summer schools which in their form are closer to a permanent teaching unit. Are these types of projects eligible?

The Summer schools need to be sustainable but also contain innovative pedagogies. Each point on this slide will be evaluated and graded…

When there is an open call for students to participate at a funded Summer school (sustainable one with innovative pedagogy), are students outside 4EU+ eligible for financial support?

Activities planned in the proposal should be directed to the students from partners, that are implementing the project. So if CU develops a project with Sorbonne and Milan, students from CU, SU and UniMi are eligible to take part in it, because those 3 partner universities will have planned budget for them.

External partners outside 4EU+ may be involved (common practice is a maximum of one external partner institution per three 4EU+ universities) but cannot be funded from Erasmus+ project

Multilingualism can be referred also to the languages TAUGHT inside the Alliance, not only SPOKEN as mother tongues by its members?

Yes, we can understand multilingualism as a subject (linguistic disciplines eg) and as a competency.

Is part of the budget destined to the coordinators as a form of salary/stipendium?

I suggest you contact your local officers because there're different rules in each University.

Why we cannot have students from other 4EU+ universities than those involved in our project? If I have a seminar, which is publicly available and students want to join it and fulfil all the requirements necessary to pass it and obtain a grade, why cannot they join it? I understand this restriction if we are talking about actual exchange but with virtual mobility?

If they are not funded to travel they can take part to the virtual course.

We mean to FUND student activities like travel etc. Not to take part in open activities, but we cannot fund for example travel costs.

Does the two partners of the principal university need to obtain any formal paperwork from their university/faculty?

At Sorbonne University it is required as part of the application, that the department UFR approve the educational activity proposed. At other universities, formal approval is not requested.

How can the short-term mobility (under 3 months) be used for projects in fields where lab work usually takes longer?

The projects should not be based on regular lab work, the goal is to come up with innovative solutions.