
Evaluation criteria

Phase 1

What will be evaluated:

Local Project Officers perform an eligibility check, which involves making sure that each submitted application meets the call’s formal requirements, e.g. ensuring the submitted proposal has all the required attachments. Project Officers also evaluate the eligibility of all planned costs and whether the proposed budget is justified and coherent with the planned activities. The feasibility of planned mobilities of students and academic staff is also assessed.

Those applications that meet the eligibility check can proceed to the next phase of evaluation.

Phase 2

What will be evaluated:

Most importantly, thematic compatibility of the proposed project with the relevant Flagship and/or Flagship’s educational pathway (For reference, please see 4EU+ Flagships descriptions). Sustainability of the planned activities will also be evaluated by Flagship Programme Committees. We encourage Applicants to submit proposals aimed at gradually building more advanced, long-term educational activities. It is important to showcase whether the planned activities are feasible and likely to meet the indicated timeline. During the second evaluation phase, it will be taken into account whether the project outcomes presented in the application have the potential to become part of the permanent 4EU+ educational offer and whether they will contribute to the development of study programmes and existing curricula at partner universities.

Phase 3

What will be evaluated:

Project’s contribution to strengthening the long-term educational cooperation within 4EU+ Alliance and the compliance of the proposal with the 4EU+ Alliance educational mission will be assessed (multilingualism, data literacy, critical thinking, entrepreneurship, social engagement).

We look for the design of a novel educational experience for 4EU+ students based on innovative pedagogies. As a point of reference, we provide a set of exemplary key concepts and best practices identified as research-based education, active learning, critical thinking, self-directed learning and intercultural and inclusive education, that may be considered useful and inspirational for applicants. Of course, other educational approaches such as challenge-based, transfer-oriented, evidence-based education or collaborative learning are also much welcomed and appreciated.

During the third evaluation phase, a new quality of the educational proposal will be taken into account, as well as the added value the project may bring to the existing educational offer of 4EU+ member universities. We encourage highly student-centered proposals. This educational approach could be achieved and understood in different ways, for example students can be in charge of designing their own personalized flexible learning pathway, students may be involved as well as the main actors of the educational experience and learning process, or the proposal could strongly focus on and emphasize the student-centered way of teaching.