4EU+ opportunities:
Info session: Blended Intensive Programme for 4EU+ activities (8 April)
Apply by: 5 April
Flagship 1:
Urban planning and development - looking for the bridge between science and practice (21 February)
Apply by: 21 February
UNICA EduLAB – 4EU+ webinar: The European Degree, Students’ involvement and the role of European universities alliances (21 February)
Flagship 2:
Women’s and Human Rights in Times of Global Challenges
Apply by: 25 January
University opportunities:
MEET2TALK online event: Meaningful virtual mobility (29 November)
4EU+ Coffee Talk: Unconventional digital education (27 November)
Apply by: 26 November
Free Online 4EU+ Course: Data Literacy
Free online 4EU+ course: European Citizenship