4. 7. 2023
As of 1 July 2023, the 4EU+ Alliance is joined by the Paris-Panthéon-Assas University, making it the 8th higher education institution on board of the Alliance building One Comprehensive Research-Intensive University.
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30. 6. 2023
Flagship 1 news:
The 4EU+ Prague Summer Scientific Symposium, held on 15-17 June 2023 in Karolinum, brought together researchers from several 4EU+ universities to discuss new concepts and approaches to target diabetes pandemic in urban areas.
1. 6. 2023
Researchers at European universities are central stakeholders in citizen science and the societal commitment the field of research represents. However, universities have no shared knowledge base or support for these efforts and central citizen science hubs can be the solution.
Read the latest news on boosting citizen science, sharing research infrastructure, trends in co-publication, welcoming international researchers and the impact of the project. Discover TRAIN4EU+, coordinated by the University of Copenhagen.
29. 5. 2023
Flagship 3 news:
The Faculty of Science at Charles University hosted a groundbreaking workshop on 9-12 May as part of the 4EU+ educational project "VIRTCHEM: The VIRtual Immersive Education for CHEMistry and Chemical Engineering.
26. 5. 2023
Selected in the European Commission's call to pilot a joint European Degree label, the ED-AFFICHE project embodies values of inclusion, transparency, and quality assurance. To assure the project's quality and the involvement of stakeholders in the widest spectrum, the project consortium has established an External Advisory Committee bringing together diverse voices, from student communities to employment agencies.
16. 5. 2023
With the aim of highlighting the range of courses and the different opportunities for exchange in the 4EU+ European University Alliance, the first “4EU+ Student Night” took place at Heidelberg University on 10 May 2023.
28. 4. 2023
On Wednesday 26 April 2023, more than 130 members of the 4EU+ community came together for an information session on the SEED4EU+ and Visiting Professorships calls.
3. 4. 2023
On 30 March 2023, representatives of the 4EU+ Alliance participated in the event Italian and French Universities in the European Universities Initiative. The event was organized by the Italian French University (Université Franco Italienne – Università Italo Francese) and the University of Turin, coordinator of the alliance UNITA – Universitas Montium.
27. 3. 2023
The final conference of the 4EU+ course “Urban Regulations and Political Memory” was held in Prague at the Faculty of Science of Charles University on 23 and 24 March 2023.