29. 7. 2019
Flagship 3 news:
On 19 June 2019, Sorbonne University, together with the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), Natural History Museum and several other partners, officially launched the Sorbonne University Centre for Artificial Intelligence (SCAI).
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25. 7. 2019
Flagship 1 news:
On 13 and 14 June 2019, the "Network Against Cancer" workshop brought together the European universities of the 4EU + Alliance at the Sorbonne University Faculty of Medicine.
19. 7. 2019
4 July 2019, Paris, France. The Sorbonne University Staff Celebration kicked-off this year with Europe as the central theme.
5. 7. 2019
On 25-27 June 2019, 22 representatives of the 4EU+ Alliance participated in the workshop on the development of innovative didactic materials, tools and techniques hosted by the University of Warsaw.
26. 6. 2019
The 4EU+ Alliance is among the consortia selected for funding in the first pilot ‘European Universities’ call for proposals, launched as part of the 2019 Erasmus+ programme.
13. 6. 2019
On 23 May 2019, 4EU+ Steering Committee held its 7th in-person meeting at Charles University in Prague.
7. 6. 2019
More than 200 singers from university choirs of Charles University, Heidelberg University, Sorbonne University and the University of Warsaw participated in the 3rd international edition of the “Spring of Choirs”, University of Warsaw’s choir music festival.
6. 6. 2019
On 16-17 May 2019, Master’s students from Heidelberg University and the University of Warsaw (Faculty of Economic Sciences) participated in the first joint interdisciplinary seminar "Economic, Psychological, and IT-related Challenges of Ageing Societies: Contrasting Poland and Germany".
6. 5. 2019
The Open Day organised at the University of Warsaw on 27 April was a great occasion for the visitors to get to know the 4EU+ Alliance and its activities.
5. 5. 2019
On 25 and 26 April 2019, Charles University hosted representatives of 4EU+ partner universities who are consortium members in the "Academic Partnership for Innovation in Teaching and Learning" (API) project, coordinated by the University of Warsaw and co-funded by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA).