Kick-off event of the European Universities Initiative

9. 11. 2019

Kick-off event of the European Universities Initiative

The kick-off event of the European Universities Initiative took place on 7 November 2019 in Brussels.

Ministers, representatives of the 17 European Universities, students and academics explored a range of topics related to the future of higher education at the event, including:

  • the need for the next generation of students, teachers and researchers to find solutions to contemporary societal challenges

  • preparing young people for the jobs and society of the future

  • accelerating the transformation of Europe's higher education institutions to ensure their quality, inclusiveness and international competitiveness

Jean Chambaz, President of Sorbonne University, was among the speakers at the event.

The event included an information session on the second call for proposals for the European Universities Initiative launched this autumn. This was complemented by a closed morning dialogue with the selected European Universities and an informal dinner between EU ministers responsible for higher education.

The web streaming of the event is availabe on the website of the European Commission.

blockquote class="twitter-tweet">

Jean Chambaz, president of @Sorbonne_Univ_, about why the @4EUplusAlliance was founded: "In the world of today, there is no future for us at the national level: our future is European!" 🇪🇺 #4EUPlus

— Sorbonne Université (@Sorbonne_Univ_) November 7, 2019