A major challenge in achieving substantial developments within a project framework is ensuring continuity, particularly when the produced outcomes are vital building blocks with the potential to make a large-scale impact. The 4EU+ ETERNITY addresses this issue by ensuring a steady follow-up of the activities initiated by the 4EU+ Alliance in other, both completed and ongoing projects. In doing so, it contributes to the mission of the 4EU+ Alliance of creating a comprehensive joint educational offer, supporting research innovation and fostering competence development of academic and administrative staff. Additionally, it enhances the Alliance’s strategic actions, such as the development of interdisciplinary joint study programmes. 4EU+ ETERNITY is funded by NAWA, Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange with a budget exceeding 1,600,000 PLN (nearly €400,000). Launched in October 2024, the 2-year project is coordinated by the University of Warsaw.
contributing to designing uniform procedures and building an expert community in opening joint study programmes: preparing academic and administrative staff for the joint management of Mundus Design Measures and Joint Masters applications (development of guidelines, instructions and training materials)
devising recommendations and practical guidelines for introducing the European Degree within the 4EU+ Alliance: a direct follow-up of the European Commission’s pilot project ED-AFFICHE “European Degree: Advancing, Facilitating and Fostering International Collaboration in Higher Education” (2023-2024)
ensuring opportunities for grassroot collaboration in education, providing a conducive environment for the development of long-term educational initiatives and facilitating physical mobility of researchers, PhD candidates, and students
advancing the further development of collaborative IT infrastructure essential for achieving ambitious common educational goals
supporting collaborative research and continuation of R&I initiatives started within 4EU+, especially under the TRAIN4EU project (Horizon2020 SwafS) and 4EU+ Flagships’ initiatives
2 years (1 October 2024 - 30 September 2026)
Design and organisation of training on Erasmus Mundus Design Measures and Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters: From Idea to Implementation
Design and organisation of training (“staff week”) on Integration of IT Systems and the Development of a Joint Campus within the 4EU+ Alliance
Establishment of a 4EU+ follow-up expert group on the European Degree: Next Steps and Preparation for the Implementation of a Joint European Diploma
Organisation of activities related to supporting and promoting Open and Citizen Science within the 4EU+ Alliance: organisation of a conference for librarians and an online publication of recommendations for universities on supporting Citizen Science.
Organisation of an open call for Summer/Winter Schools for Students and Doctoral Candidates of the 4EU+ Alliance
Dr. Anna Sadecka, Head of International Relations Office, University of Warsaw
Klementyna Kielak, Deputy Head of International Relations Office, University of Warsaw & Chair of the 4EU+ Mobility Working Group
Swietłana Dachno, Specialist, International Relations Office, University of Warsaw
Monika Płatek, Specialist, International Relations Office, University of Warsaw
Dr. Marta Jaworska-Oknińska, Chief Specialist and International Programmes Coordinator, 4EU+ Local Office, University of Warsaw
Aleksandra Szymańska, Chief Specialist & Project Manager, 4EU+ Local Office, University of Warsaw
Marta Brelih-Wąsowska, 4EU+ Communications Manager & Chair of the 4EU+ Communications Working Group, 4EU+ Local Office, University of Warsaw
Katarzyna Ścierańska, 4EU+ Communications Officer, 4EU+ Local Office, University of Warsaw
The project is financed by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange under the European Funds for Social Development programme (FERS), 2021-2027.