Projects with 4EU+ Alliance as a partner

ED-AFFICHE: European Degree label pilot project

The ED-AFFICHE project is a response of six European University alliances to the European Commission’s 2022 call to examine and facilitate the delivery of a joint European Degree label.

Launched in April 2023, this one-year project is coordinated by Una Europa and brings together five other university alliances (4EU+, CHARM-EU, EC2U, EU-CONEXUS, and Unite!) and 51 higher education institutions from 22 different countries. It is supported by 18 national and regional ministries in charge of higher education.

The European Degree label is an initiative endorsed by the European Commission to facilitate the issuing of joint diplomas, degrees, and certificates across the European Higher Education Area, overcoming existing barriers in transnational cooperation. To mitigate these obstacles, ED-AFFICHE will:

  • provide a comprehensive overview of the state of play of joint programmes in Europe,

  • devise recommendations for the design of a European Degree label to maximise its attractiveness and potential impact,

  • contribute to the development of a more inclusive, accessible and transparent framework for the development of joint programmes,

  • ensure synergies and further develop Bologna instruments and promote greater flexibility,

  • promote innovative learning experiences that enhance the visibility, attractiveness and competitiveness of European Higher Education.

Learn more about ED-AFFICHE, its activities and planned outcomes (CHARM-EU website)

4EU+ team in the project

  • prof. PhDr. Lenka Rovná, CSc. (Representative of Charles University in the 4EU+ Management Committee)

  • Dr. Josef Matoušek (Education expert, Charles University):

  • Dr. Marta Jaworska-Oknińska (Education expert, University of Warsaw):

  • Activities in Work Package 5: Communication and Dissemination: Marta Brelih-Wąsowska (University of Warsaw, Coordinator of the 4EU+ Communications Group),