As part of its long-term commitment to foster collaboration in research and teaching, the 4EU+ European University Alliance is launching the third round of the 4EU+ Visiting Professorships initiative. This programme seeks to enhance the knowledge and skills of academic staff at the 8 member universities of the Alliance, to support new and enrich existing collaborations in education and/or in research and innovation. In line with the
4EU+ Alliance’s Strategy 2025-2035, Visiting Professorships aim to enhance the creation of networks and novel expertise within 4EU+ and ensure its sustainability over time.
The call intends to enlarge the community of researchers and academics who are actively involved in 4EU+ activities. The Visiting Professorship holder is, therefore, encouraged to lead or join the new or existing projects that involve staff members, but also students and doctoral candidates from the Host University as well as the Home University of the Visiting Professorship holder. Involvement of other 4EU+ member universities in the project activities is also possible.
The call is open to researchers and academics of all scientific fields and disciplines corresponding to the thematic scope, missions and objectives of the 4EU+ Flagships. Early career researchers1 from 4EU+ member universities are strongly encouraged to take part in the call.
The programme is funded from the budget of the 4EU+ European University Alliance Association.
The Visiting Professorship holder, together with the hosting team, will carry out joint research and/or educational activities that contribute to the development of new education frameworks and novel expertise, for example:
instructing in courses at Host Universities (giving lectures, seminars, conducting laboratory training),
participating in the development of joint learning modules or programmes, incl. short programmes like summer and winter schools,
contributing to methodological work and the transformation of teaching methods,
join the research team/lab at the Host University to reach their research objectives and bring the gained knowledge back to the Home University,
building an interinstitutional 4EU+ research team,
leading or participating in the development of shared research infrastructure,
leading or participating in preliminary research activities with a view to submitting a joint proposal for research funding,
organising high-level research conferences and scientific seminars.
The 4EU+ Alliance is willing to support the activities that would lead to the sustainable improvement of its research and/or educational structures.
The proposal also envisages related outreach and communication activities to disseminate the project results within the non-academic sector and society.
The Visiting Professorship holder is responsible for efficient dissemination of the project’s outcomes. In addition to a written report, the Visiting Professorship holder is expected to share the project’s results and findings with a broader audience through activities such as live and/or recorded oral presentations, seminars, workshops, publications (incl. social media publications), or other appropriate means.
The Visiting Professorship holder and the members of the hosting team must be affiliated with two different universities of the 4EU+ Alliance. The involvement of other 4EU+ universities in the project is encouraged.
The Visiting Professor is expected to spend a minimum of 1 month and a maximum of 2 months at the Host University. A Visiting Professorship is granted for one person only and cannot be shared.
The mobility period can be divided into several intervals over one academic year, but the Visiting Professorship holder will receive only a single travel allowance. If the holder of a Visiting Professorship intends to split the mobility period and cover travels that cost more than the sum of the granted travel allowance, he/she must finance it independently.
Virtual mobility and distant collaborative work can complement but not replace the physical mobility period.
The Visiting Professorship holder is expected to work extensively with the members of the hosting team.
The Visiting Professorship holder is expected to inform the 4EU+ Local Office of the Host University (see Part 8.) about any planned communication & dissemination activities, so that they can be carried out in collaboration with the local 4EU+ Communications Officer. The Visiting Professorship holder should also be prepared to be contacted by the local 4EU+ Communications Officer to discuss dissemination opportunities, e.g. 2-3 page report, 5 min. videos explaining the project and its purpose, etc.
The Visiting Professorship holder must submit the completed final report form no later than one month after the end of the Visiting Professorship. The report should include a description of activities carried out within the project, an identification of the team members, an elaboration of how it enriched the 4EU+ research and/or educational structures, and specific intentions regarding the project’s sustainability.
The Host University provides logistical guidance and, if possible, assistance in organising the Visiting Professor’s stay (e.g., assistance in securing housing, child care etc.) and project-related activities.
It is the Home University's responsibility to exempt the Visiting Professorship holder from part of their teaching duties on a case-by-case basis.
The Visiting Professorship holder is an academic staff member employed at a 4EU+ member university.
With the exception of different specific local eligibility requirements (see the box below), the Visiting Professorship holder should be employed by a 4EU+ member university with a medium or long-term commitment to research and/or teaching. The candidate for Visiting Professorship should be employed by a 4EU+ member university at the time of submission of the application as well as throughout the period of his/her stay at the host institution. Following the 4EU+ Alliance’s Strategy 2025-2035, early career researchers (i.e., researchers between 2 and 7 years of post-PhD experience) are highly encouraged to apply.
If the candidate for the Visiting Professorship is unsure about the eligibility requirements, please contact your local office.
SU: Only permanent academic staff members are eligible to apply for the Visiting Professorship.
UNIGE: Candidates for Visiting Professorship must check that they have no teaching or research obligations at UNIGE during their planned stay(s) abroad.
UNIMI: Only permanent academic staff members are eligible to apply for the Visiting Professorship. Early career researchers may only apply if they hold Tenure Track Researcher (RTT) positions and their contracts are valid until 31 December 2026.
UW: Only members of the academic staff with employment contracts are eligible to apply for the Visiting Professorship.
CU: Only members of the academic staff with employment contracts are eligible to apply for the Visiting Professorship.
PAU: Only permanent academic staff members are eligible to apply for the Visiting Professorship.
UCPH: applicants must have an employment contract throughout the duration of the project period.
The Visiting Professorship holder’s team at the receiving institution may be composed of any member of the Host University or other 4EU+ member universities, including students, doctoral candidates and non-permanent staff, as long as they are identified by name and engaged for the entire duration of the project.
4EU+ member universities are committed to an open and inclusive working environment and apply equality, diversity and inclusion standards in the recruitment of Visiting Professors.
The Visiting Professorship holder continues to receive a salary determined and paid by the Home University.
A lump sum will be paid to the Visiting Professorship holder by the Home University in accordance with the local legislative regulation, considering:
the fixed daily/monthly allowances at the Home University, covering accommodation and subsistence
only one travel allowance will be covered (the Visiting Professorship holder will receive a single travel allowance, regardless of the number of trips taken)
To ensure transparency and fairness, the daily/monthly allowance will be fixed for all universities and is based on the Erasmus+ Teaching Staff Mobility rates for long-term staff mobilities (Erasmus+ 2024).
The lump sum will be calculated based on the number of days. Applicants only need to indicate their mobility period's start and end dates in their application.
Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact their home 4EU+ Local Office.
The 4EU+ Management Committee reserves the right to adjust the budget for accepted proposals.
Daily allowances for accommodation towards:
Czech Republic
119 EUR
133 EUR
103 EUR
Lump sums for travel costs based on the Erasmus+ Distance Calculator:
Travel allowances rates
Heidelberg ↔ Paris
211 €
Heidelberg ↔ Milan
Heidelberg ↔ Prague
Heidelberg ↔ Geneva
All others
309 €
Please note that:
Replacement costs for teaching and research staff from the Home University are not covered.
For dissemination activities, Applicants must contact the Host institution‘s 4EU+ Local Office
For any questions related to budget and eligible costs, Applicants must contact their home 4EU+ Local Office (see contacts details below).
Application for co-funding of the Visiting Professorship or additional funding for subsequent related activities is encouraged, but not mandatory.
The Home University will fund the Visiting Professorship project. Upon completion of the project, the 4EU+ Association will reimburse the Home University’s expenses up to the amount allocated for the project upon the request for reimbursement. The Home University is responsible for managing the total budget allocated at the institutional level. The Host University will not contribute to the financing of the Visiting Professorship, but is obliged to provide supportive hosting conditions for the Visiting Professor.
The online application form is available at this link.
The Applicant must provide comprehensive details about the planned activities, including the project’s objectives, its contribution to the implementation of the 4EU+ Alliance’s Strategy 2025-2035 and the expectations for further cooperation.
The required attachments are:
Full CV
Confirmation letter from the Home University, signed by the head of the department/dean of the unit of the department, or the rector of the Home University (in English) (Annex 1: Confirmation letter template)
Letter of acceptance from the Host University, signed by the head of the host department/dean of the unit of the host department or the rector of the hosting university (in English) (Annex 2: Template)
Before submitting a proposal, potential candidates should obtain approval from their Home University (Confirmation letter) attesting their formal eligibility (if any) according to the criteria listed above.
Full proposals from the Visiting Professorship candidates and the respective hosting teams will be submitted to the Evaluation Committee.
The Evaluation Committee is composed of representatives designated by the 4EU+ member universities, including at least one representative from each of the four 4EU+ Flagships, the academic members of the Academic Council and a member of the 4EU+ Management Committee (MC), who also serves as the Evaluation Committee Chair.
The Committee may consult additional experts within the 4EU+ Flagships.
The Evaluation Committee will draw up a ranked list of all proposals which will be submitted to the 4EU+ Management Committee for budget allocation. The list of projects to be funded will be submitted to the 4EU+ Governing Board (GB) for final approval.
Applications open
Applications close
19.05.2025 23:59 CET
Notification of results
Latest date for Professorships to end
Final report due
End of project + 1 month
Submitted project proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
To what extent does the project align with the R&I/educational topics and priorities addressed by the 4EU+ Flagships and the 4EU+ Strategy?
Educational component: Do the proposed activities incorporate innovative educational approaches (i.e. research-based, challenge-based, transfer-oriented, evidence-based education or collaborative learning) and are there synergies between the submitted project and the educational and training priorities set by 4EU+?
To what extent is the proposed research or educational methodology suitable for achieving the project’s goals?
4EU+ Flagships
4EU+ 2025-35 Strategy
4EU+ teaching & learning toolbox
To what extent do the researchers involved in the project have complementary expertise and why is this complementarity important for the project and its outcomes? (multi- and interdisciplinary dimension)
Do the team members across both institutions represent a range of expertise levels (senior academics, early career researchers…)?
How is the partnership essential in achieving the project objectives?
Does the project have the potential to expand the 4EU+ academic community involved in 4EU+ educational and R&I activities and/or strengthen existing collaborations?
Do the proposed activities help advance the R&I/educational collaboration toward a future European collaborative project?
Do the project outcomes presented in the application have the potential to be integrated in the educational offer and contribute to the development of more comprehensive study units (e.g. study programmes and existing curricula at partner universities)?
Please note the Visiting Professorship holders will have the following reporting obligations:
Communication and dissemination obligation prior to, during and after the Visiting Professorship stay. These may include responding to requests for information and contributing content for the 4EU+ website and other channels of the Alliance. Upon the notification of results, the assigned 4EU+ Communications Officer (from home and/or host 4EU+ Local Office) will reach out to the selected Visiting Professors to establish cooperation.
Final reporting obligation. After the completion of the Visiting Professorship, the Visiting Professorship holder must submit a technical report (1-2 pages describing the visit, achievement of stay objectives, project outcomes, impact on individual and institutional capacity development, as well as any planned follow-up / spin-off activities). A Final report template is provided upon the notification of results to allow the Visiting Professorship holders to compile the report progressively, from the very start of their project. The report must be sent to the 4EU+ Local Office (at Home University).
On 25 March 2025, at 12:00 (midday), an online Info Day will be hosted to answer your questions about the 2025 Visiting Professorships call.
Academics interested in participating are kindly invited to fill out the form at the link:
For further information, please contact:
4EU+ General Secretariat
Charles University
Heidelberg University
Paris-Panthéon-Assas University
Sorbonne University
University of Copenhagen
University of Geneva
University of Milan
University of Warsaw
Confirmation letter from the Home University
Letter of acceptance from the Host University
PDF Application form (only for consultation purposes)
PDF version of the 4EU+ Visiting Professorships 2025 call
Dissemination leaflet: for digital use
Dissemination leaflet: for print use
A person between two and seven years of post-PhD experience