4EU+ opportunities:
UNICA EduLAB – 4EU+ webinar: The European Degree, Students’ involvement and the role of European universities alliances (21 February)
Apply by: 21 February
Flagship 1:
4EU+PharmacoEpi (advanced course): an integrated 4EU+ Pharmacoepidemiology educational course
Apply by: 29 February
Flagship 3:
4EU+ course: Quantum Information and Quantum Many-Body Theory
Apply by: 1 March
University opportunities:
Charles University 4EU+ Student Mini-grants
Apply for a fellowship with Sorbonne University and SOUND.AI
Apply by: 31 January
Flagship 4:
Online info session: Erasmus Mundus Joint Master in Global Environment and Development - MERGED (19 December)
Apply by: 19 December
Flagship 2:
Women’s and Human Rights in Times of Global Challenges
Apply by: 25 January
4EU+ for PhD candidates and young researchers (6 December)
Apply by: 3 December
4EU+ Coffee Talk: Unconventional digital education (27 November)
Apply by: 26 November
InZone Online Language Tutor: open call
Apply by: continuously