Flagship 1

Building a network of student-led teaching of medical ultrasound

The ability to perform and interpret ultrasound examinations is a central skill in today's medical education. After teaching more than 3.500 Heidelberg students in ultrasound since 2006, we designed an English-language version of this curriculum called SASH (Summer School of Anatomy-based Sonography at Heidelberg) and invited international students to come to Heidelberg and learn this skill. In 2021 we extended our offer to students and colleagues from the 4EU+ Universities of Milan and Prague who participated in SASH-21 and will establish their local ultrasound curriculum. Key to the success of our local curriculum and SASH is the tutor-training program that allows us to rely on highly motivated and capable students in our student-led teaching of sonography. The curriculum and the tutor-training program can be used as a template to set up similar curricula in Milan and Prague – and at other 4EU+ universities and beyond. This way, we strive to build a European network of student-led, anatomy-based ultrasound curricula.

Contact information

Participating universities:

CU, UHD, UniMi

Project leader:

Dr. Ralph Nawrotzki, Heidelberg University,

More information:

SASHeidelberg: Instagram


SASHeidelberg: Facebook