Flagship 1


An integrated 4EU+ Pharmacoepidemiology educational course


To develop the knowledge of students on fundamentals methods in pharmacoepidemiology, and gain an understanding of the structure of the French administrative health databases, the Danish registries, and the Italian National Health Service database, in order to develop multi country research project in pharmacoepidemiology within the 4EU+ Alliance.


Blended Course in English open to all students of the Alliance

  • 10-day online course (40 hours) from academic of the 3 universities: March 7 to March 18

  • From March 16 mars to April 20:

  • Work in small groups of 4 or 5 students balanced by universities and previous expertise with the aim to write a research protocol for a pharmacoepidemiological study using the three databases (Research-based education / active learning; Collaborative approach; Critical thinking)

  • Embedded forum to ask questions to peers and teachers. Online courses recorded to be rewatch if needed.

  • Short-term mobility of 3 days at Sorbonne University: April 20 to April 22: Presentation of the protocols


62 applications submitted from 5 universities of the Alliance; 29 applications accepted

  • Sorbonne University: 12 students (41%)

  • University of Copenhagen: 5 students (18%)

  • University of Milan: 7 students (24%)

  • Charles University: 4 students (14%)

  • University of Warsaw: 1 student (3%)

Initial degree (maximal degree, current candidate or already obtained)

  • PhD: 17 students (58%)

  • MsC: 6 students (21%)

  • BS: 6 students (21%)


  • Renew the course next year in a broader format, with the aim to develop an integrated learning pathway in pharmacoepidemiology within the Alliance.

  • Involvement of academics of the three other universities (Charles University, University of Warsaw, Heidelberg University)

Contact information

Participating universities:


Project leader:

Prof. Julien Kirchgesner, Sorbonne University,

More information: