Blended Intensive Programmes

4EU+ Pilot Central Call on Blended Intensive Programmes


Funded through the Erasmus+ Key Action 131, the Blended Intensive Programmes’ scheme supports the joint development and implementation of innovative didactic projects carried out collaboratively by at least three 4EU+ partner institutions. BIPs should employ innovative teaching and learning methods, including online cooperation and student-centred problem-based learning. Additionally, they should provide added value over existing courses. Project teams that previously received funding from 4EU+ (Educational projects, Mini-grants, SEED projects) are eligible to apply provided they align with the BIP format. As a result of the currently open pilot call, five BIPs will be selected.


The 4EU+ Blended Intensive Programmes Pilot Call reinforces the 4EU+ commitment to high-quality, inclusive, and sustainable education. It also responds to the 4EU+ strategic ambition to ensure that all students of 4EU+ member universities have access to and an opportunity to participate in at least one educational component offered by the Alliance during their degree programmes.

BIPs play a role in advancing the objectives of the 1CORE project, such as enhancing research-based teaching and student engagement in knowledge co-creation, as well as fostering digital skills and pedagogical innovation.

Call description


March 2025 – Call Launched

30 April 2025 – Application Deadline

June 2025– Results Announced

After June, 2025– Selection of students participating in the BIP. Carried out by participating academics of the BIP, according to the rules and regulations of the sending institution.

BIPs will have to be carried out between 1 September 2025 and 30 June 2026.

1 September 2025 – Earliest start of activities of the selected BIPs.

30 June 2026 – All activities of the selected BIPs must be completed.

Partnership structure

Students from at least three 4EU+ institutions participating in the Erasmus+ programme must participate in the BIP.

As Switzerland is not part of the Erasmus+ programme, the University of Geneva cannot be reported as one of the three main participating institutions, but as an associated partner.

There is no funding available for the participation of institutions from outside of 4EU+.


There must be at least three 4EU+ institutions involved in the application.

The application can be submitted by an academic / teaching staff with at least a PhD degree, employed at one of a 4EU+ institution other than then University of Geneva.

Coordinating Institution

The Coordinating Institution is responsible for the overall coordination, application and administration of the BIP and hosting the physical component of the BIP. Students of that institution will not be counted towards the minimum number of participants.

Sending Institution

Institution that will be sending participants to the BIP.


The programme must be designed in a blended format. There must be a physical component as well as a virtual component.

The physical component must last five days and be held at the Coordinating Institution. The virtual component must be embedded in the programme and can be held before, during and/or after the physical component.


A minimum of 15 students (BA/MA/PhD) from the Sending Institutions. Students from the Coordinating Institution are not included in the minimum number of participants’ count.

As Switzerland is not part of the Erasmus+ programme, students from the University of Geneva can participate in the BIP, but will not be counted towards the 15-student minimum. Their participation will be supported by the internal funding of the University of Geneva.

Eligible students

Any student enrolled in a degree programme at the 4EU+ member universities taking part in the BIP and meeting the criteria defined by the coordinator of the BIP. The selection of students is being done by the academics involved in the BIP at each Institution according to the BIP procedures at the Sending Institution.

In accordance with Erasmus+ guidelines, students participating in the BIP must be awarded at least 3 ECTS.


The Coordinating Institution receives a lump sum of € 400 per Incoming student for organizational costs of the BIP, up to a maximum of € 8.000. The lump sum can be used for all organizational costs such as catering, renting rooms, workshop materials, social programme etc. The Coordinating Institutions is responsible for storing invoices for the organizational costs.

Funding for students

Students receive travel and daily allowance for their mobility from their Sending Institution in form of a lump sum:

Daily allowance

per day

€ 79

Travel allowance

Heidelberg <-> Paris

Heidelberg <-> Milan

Heidelberg <-> Prague

Heidelberg <-> Geneva

Milano <-> Geneva

€ 285


(€ 211 if not an environmentally friendly means of transportation is being used)

All other trips between 4EU+ member universities

€ 417

(€309 if not an environmentally friendly means of transportation is being used)

Additional funding for students with fewer opportunities

€ 100

Funding for staff

Travel and daily allowance of participating staff is funded by the Sending Institution according to Erasmus+ rates.


The online application form is available at this link.

Evaluation process

  1. Eligibility check by 4EU+ Working Group Mobility

  2. Evaluation

    Every proposal will be evaluated by one representative of the relevant Flagship and/or academic from the Academic Council and one member of the Student Committee.

Evaluation criteria

Impact on the participants and the institutions

10 points

Benefit for the alliance (in line with the 4EU+ Strategy)

20 points

Sustainability of the initiative

10 points

Quality of the didactic offer (ex. use of innovative pedagogies)

30 points

Quality of the virtual component (ex. innovative, improvement of digital skills)

20 points


5 points

More than three institutions involved

5 points


Extra points for the involvement of an Associated Partner (except University of Geneve)

5 points


If you have any questions about the pilot call, please reach out to the 4EU+ Secretariat:

PDF version of the 4EU+ Pilot Central Call on Blended Intensive Programmes