
4EU+ Alliance: Bridging Education, Research and Society

The University of Milan hosts non-academic associated partners in a networking event showcasing the 4EU+ Alliance’s achievements and strategic ambitions.

The University of Milan hosted on 12 June the meeting Bridging Education, Research and Society, with the aim to connect the non-academic associated partners of the 4EU+ Alliance based in Milan – representatives of local institutions and the production ecosystem – with the academic community.

The event was introduced by the Vice-rector for Internationalization Antonella Baldi, the Deputy Vice-rector and Vice-rector Research Maria Pia Abbracchio, and the 4EU+ Alliance Secretary General Isabelle Kratz. The achievements of the ongoing European Universities Initiative project 1CORE and the strategic ambitions of the Alliance were presented. Four thematic sessions followed, where the potential connections of the 4EU+ activities with the local and international ecosystems were discussed. The sessions focused on the following key topics.

Towards microcredentials

The first session focused on two 4EU+ learning activities that successfully integrated the business sector’s contribution as a first step in the design of microcredentials offered in synergy with corporate partners. Clodia Vurro introduced the Entrapreneurial and Intrapreneurial Project Management University Diploma, addressed to recent Master’s graduates and PhD students who engaged in group project works based on challenges proposed by companies with a strong focus on R&D. Luciano Pinotti presented Biodiversity, sustainability in the agro-food system – 4EU+ Microcredentials. The course combines Bachelor’s-level learning activities delivered via the Moodle platform and practical labs, including visits to firms in the agro-food field.

An innovative approach to learners

Then, three innovative joint educational projects were discussed: Thinking AI–  Bridging together ethical, legal and social aspects of AI (presented by Silvia Salini), The Virtual Immersive Education in the Chemical Engineering and Industrial Chemistry– VIRTCHEM (by Carlo Pirola), and the Urban Health Case Challenge (by Antonella Delle Fave).  

These presentations exemplified the 4EU+ educational approach, engaging students across the Alliance member universities in innovative learning experiencesthattackle contemporary societal challenges linked to the 4EU+ Flagships

European Degrees

The third session explored the path towards European Degree, with a focus on the role stakeholders’ consultation can play in designing up-to-date study programmes and in the co-development of workshops and internship opportunities. Chiara Ragni, head of the joint Master’s Degree programme Migration Studies and New Societies (University of Milan, Charles University, University of Warsaw) stressed how the constant dialogue with stakeholders is essential in building the professional skills needed in today’s globalized societies.  

4EU+ outreach strategy

The final session hosted Giovanna Di Manzo, Director of the Computer Science Centre of the University of Geneva. Best practices that successfully led to the engagement of researchers in the field of digital sciences with and within society were illustrated, and the enhancing role that the 4EU+ Alliance can play in this context was emphasized.

An animated Q&A session followed, leading to a fruitful exchange between the 4EU+ academic community and its partners. The 4EU+ associated partners located in the Milan area are Assolombarda, Arexpo, Chamber of Commerce Milano Monza Brianza Lodi, City of Milan, Fondazione Cariplo. Their representatives expressed appreciation of the 4EU+ Alliance’s strategic outlook and interest in further involvement in the Alliance’s ambition to build One Comprehensive Research-Intensive European University.

Prof. Antonella Baldi, Vice-rector for Internationalization and member of the Management Committee 4EU+, shared her insights on the event: “As a consortium of leading European research universities, the 4EU+ Alliance aspires to be a landmark for the European Higher Education and Research Area by creating an integrative inter-university campus that is engaged in education and research and supports public engagement and citizen science activities.”

Vice-rector for Research Maria Pia Abbracchio, Vice-rector for Internationalization and member of the 4EU+ Management Committee Antonella Baldi, and the 4EU+ Alliance Secretary General Isabelle Kratz.