4EU+ Visiting Professorships

4EU+ Visiting Professorships: Call for applications for the academic year 2023-2024


1. Goal

As part of its long-term commitment to foster collaboration in research and teaching, the 4EU+ European University Alliance is launching the 4EU+ Visiting Professorships initiative. This pilot programme seeks to enhance the knowledge and skills of academic staff at the 7 member universities of the Alliance, to support new and enrich existing collaborations and to lead to the creation of novel expertise within 4EU+. It intends to enlarge the community of researchers and academics that are actively involved in 4EU+ activities. The Visiting Professorship projects can therefore involve staff members, but also students and doctoral candidates from the host university as well as the home university of the Visiting Professorship holder. Involvement of other 4EU+ member universities in the project activities is also possible. 

The call is open to researchers and academics of all scientific areas and disciplines corresponding to the thematic scope, missions and objectives of 4EU+ Flagships.  

The programme is funded from the budget of the 4EU+ European University Alliance Association. 

2. Activities

The Visiting Professorship holder, together with the hosting team, will carry out joint research and educational activities that contribute to the development of new education frameworks and novel expertise, for example:  

For teaching and learning:

  • Instructing in courses at host universities (delivering lectures, seminars, conducting laboratory training) 

  • Participating in the development of joint learning modules or programmes, incl. short programmes like summer and winter schools 

  • Contributing to the work on methodology and transformation of teaching methods

For research:

  • Building a 4EU+ research team 

  • Leading or participating in the development of shared research infrastructure 

  • Leading or partaking in preliminary research activities in view of submitting a joint proposal in calls for research grants 

  • Organising  high-level research conferences and scientific seminars 

Related outreach and communication activities to disseminate the project results within the non-academic sector and society shall also be envisaged in the proposal.  

The Visiting Professorship holder is responsible for efficient dissemination. 


In addition to a written report, he/she should use live and/or recorded oral presentations towards a broad audience.  

3. Organisation

The Visiting Professorship holder and the members of the hosting team must be affiliated with two different universities of the 4EU+ Alliance. The involvement of more 4EU+ universities in the project is encouraged.

The Visiting Professorship holder is expected to stay at the host university for a period of minimum 2 months and maximum 3 months. A position of Visiting Professor is for one person only and cannot be shared

The mobility period can be divided into several intervals over one academic year. Virtual mobility and distant collaborative work can complement but not replace the physical mobility period. 


The Visiting Professorship holder is expected to work extensively with the members of the host team. 

The hosting university provides logistical guidance and, where possible, provides support to the Visiting Professorship holder in organising their stay (for example assistance in securing housing, childcare etc.) and project-related activities. 

It is the duty of the home university to exempt the Visiting Professorship holder from part of their teaching duties, on a case-by-case basis. 

4. Eligibility

The Visiting Professorship holder is an academic staff member at a 4EU+ member university with a medium or long-term commitment for research and teaching. The eligibility is not limited to permanent positions.

The candidate for Visiting Professorship should be employed by a 4EU+ member university at the time of submitting the application as well as during the whole duration of his/her stay at the receiving institution.

The hosting team shall be composed of any member of the hosting university, including doctoral candidates and non-permanent staff, as long as they are identified by name and engaged over the whole project period. 


4EU+ member universities are committed to an open and inclusive work environment and apply equality, diversity and inclusion standards for the recruitment of Visiting Professorship holders.  

Specific eligibility requirements for candidates coming from the University of Geneva and the University of Milan: 

  • UNIGE: Only professors on sabbatical are eligible 

  • UNIMI: Teaching staff on permanent positions (RTDBs, RTTs, PAs and POs) are eligible, professors on sabbatical are not eligible 

5. Funding

The Visiting Professorship holder continues to receive a salary determined and paid by the home university. 

A lump sum will be paid to the Visiting Professorship holder by the home university, considering: 

  • the fixed daily/monthly allowances at the home university, covering accommodation and subsistence,  

  • the travel allowance (together with a top-up for green travelling). The travel allowance shall be paid once. 

Such lump sum will be automatically calculated. The applicants are only required to specify in their application the duration of their stay. 

If applicable:

  • Operating costs of the project, described and duly justified in the proposal, are eligible. 

  • Replacement costs for teaching and research staff from the home university must be described and duly justified in the proposal in order to be eligible.   

The 4EU+ Management Committee reserves the right to adjust the budget for accepted proposals.

The application for co-funding of the visiting professorship or for additional funding of subsequent related activities is encouraged but not mandatory.  


The home institution will receive funding from the 4EU+ Association budget and will then manage the overall budget allocated (lump sum, operating costs, replacement costs, ...) at institution level.


The host institutions will not contribute to the financing of the visiting professorship but commit themselves to providing good hosting conditions for the holder. 

6. Application

(i) Application Form

A full application form is available under this link.

(ii) Selection Procedure

Prior to the submission of a proposal, potential candidates should obtain approval from their home university (approval letter) for their formal eligibility (if any) according to the above-mentioned criteria.

Full proposals by the Visiting Professorship candidate and the hosting team will be submitted to a selection committee.  

The selection committee is composed of at least one representative of each of the four 4EU+ Flagships, as well as representatives of the 4EU+ Management Committee, Student Committee and the Academic Council.  

The committee can consult additional experts within the Flagships. A ranked list of all proposals drawn up by the selection committee will be transferred to the Management Committee for budget allocation. The list of projects to be funded will be submitted to the 4EU+ Governing Board for final approval.  

(iii) Call Timeline

Applications open 


Applications close

01.06.2023; 16:00 CET

Notification of results 


Latest date for Professorships to end 


Final report due 

End of project + 2 months 

7. Evaluation

The submitted project proposals will be evaluated based on: 

  • Thematic relevance and scientific quality/quality of education design (40% of the scoring) 

    The project is aligned with the general strategy of 4EU+ to create One Comprehensive Research-Intensive European University. It covers essential objectives of 4EU+ in research or education. 

  • Added value of the partnership (30% of the scoring) 

    The outcomes of the project represent an added value for the participating institutions. They are innovative and ambitious.

  • Impact and sustainability (30% of the scoring) 

  • The project significantly increases the number of participants in 4EU+ activities. It reaches to a larger 4EU+ academic community.  

(i) Criteria relevant for research projects:

  • Thematic relevance and scientific quality

    • To what extent does the proposed research address important challenges?  

    • To what extent are the objectives ambitious and beyond the state of the art (e.g. novel concepts and approaches or development between or across disciplines)?  

    • To what extent is the outlined scientific approach feasible? To what extent is the proposed research methodology appropriate to achieve the goals of the project?  

    • To what extent are the proposed timescales and resources necessary and properly justified?  

  • Added value of the collaboration 

    • To what extent is the proposed partnership relevant to the proposed project objectives? To what extent do the involved researchers have complementary expertise? 

  • Impact and sustainability 

    • Does the project have the potential to enlarge the 4EU+ community and to strengthen the ties?  

    • Does the proposed activity help move the research collaboration towards the initial steps of a process leading to a future European collaborative research project? 

(ii) Criteria relevant for educational projects:

  • Thematic relevance and quality of educational design 

    • Is there a thematic synergy of the proposed project with the educational and training challenges addressed by 4EU+? 

    • Which and how are innovative educational approaches such as research-based, challenge-based, transfer-oriented, evidence-based education or collaborative learning envisaged / used? 

    • To what extent does the design of a submitted educational experience for students address the dimensions of multilingualism, interculturalism and inclusive education?  

    • To what extent is the outlined educational approach feasible at the hosting institution? Is the absence of teaching staff at the home institution adequately compensated?  

    • To what extent are the proposed timescales and resources necessary and properly justified?  

  • Added value and involvement of students  

    • To what extent is the proposed partnership relevant to the proposed project objectives? To what extent is the partnership necessary to reach the project objectives? Project activities should not be in conflict or redundant with other local activities.  

    • Are students actively involved in the planning and execution of the educational project or are the planned activities highly centred on the student’s learning process?  

  • Impact and Sustainability

    • Does the proposed activity involve a significant number of participants1? Does it have the potential to enlarge the 4EU+ community and to strengthen the ties?  

    • Do the project outcomes presented in the application have the potential to become part of the permanent educational offer and will they contribute to the development of more comprehensive study units (e.g., study programmes and existing curricula at partner universities)? 

9. Contacts

For further information, please contact:

Charles University  

Heidelberg University  

Sorbonne University  

University of Copenhagen  

University of Geneva  

University of Milan  

University of Warsaw 

4EU+ General Secretariat  



The number of participants will depend on the nature of the activities. However, the aim of this call is to widen the 4EU+ community. Therefore, activities should be planned to be as open and inclusive as possible.