2023 Visiting Professors

Tue Kjærgaard Nielsen

This 4EU+ Visiting Professorship aims to establish an international research team that focuses on mobile genetic elements (MGEs) associated with the degradation of anthropogenic pollutants. Together with Prof. Orsolya Barabas, the team plans to advance molecular methods for studying MGEs and understanding their role in bacterial degradation of pollutants. To foster knowledge exchange among the partner universities, Prof. Kjærgaard Nielsen will participate in teaching at UNIGE, and the team will plan a future PhD summer school in Copenhagen. The creation of this newly established multidisciplinary 4EU+ research team is expected to enhance the mobility of research members and students and pave the way for joint grant applications.

Strengthening international research and networks

Testimonial by Tue Kjærgaard Nielsen on his Visiting Professorship

What has the VP programme given you?

My Visiting Professorship in Geneva has given me a unique opportunity to strengthen my international profile. It is very valuable to spend time in another lab and gain new insight into new areas of research. It is also very nice to expand your international network and establish connections for future research and grant applications.

Why would you recommend applying to the VP programme?

This is a great opportunity for anyone seeking more international experience and network but cannot spend 1 or 2 years abroad for personal or professional reasons.

What do you hope to gain from the VP programme?

I hope to establish a strong research network within my field of academia that can focus on novel ideas and perform leading research. I also plan to start an annual PhD course in Copenhagen, where I invite the host researchers from Geneva. Finally, I hope to use the newly formed network for future collaborative grant applications.