2023 Visiting Professors

Tomáš Zima

Charles University → University of Milan

The 4EU+ Visiting Professorship project submitted by Prof. Tomas Zima, former Rector of Charles University, brings together the Institute of Medical Biochemistry and Laboratory Diagnostics at Charles University and the Department of Biomedical Sciences for Health at the University of Milano. This collaborative endeavour aims to advance knowledge in the field of cardiometabolic diseases through lectures and seminars on laboratory medicine topics, as well as joint publications. An integral part of the project is the establishment of an inter-university centre dedicated to "Biomarkers of Organ Diseases." With activities encompassing teaching comparisons, research discussions, and the preparation of future educational programmes, the project is expected to have a profound impact on the educational and research landscape of all involved entities.

Creating new networks between universities

Professor Tomas Zima on the Visiting Professorship programme

What has the VP programme given you?

For me, this programme has provided the opportunity to teach at a foreign university – University of Milan, engaging with students from various study programs and discussing diverse topics with them. Alongside my colleagues, we have been preparing research projects in experimental cardiology and metabolism and have finalized one of our joint research publications.

Why would you recommend applying to the VP programme?

I recommend this program for the opportunity it offers to learn more about our partners, their different study curricula, and the chance to share research knowledge with the possibility of preparing joint research projects. You should ask your partners or find institutes that will be fruitful for cooperation.

Why is it worth to get involved? What is the added value?

The added value lies in creating new networks between universities or strengthening cooperation that existed before.