
Flagship 3

Digitisation – Modelling - Transformation

The proposed flagship is a novel combination of approaches to attack questions about big data and computational sciences. Researchers from the network bring expertise and tools developed in their independent research programs to bear on this problem. We have formed a unique interdisciplinary team of researchers from our network with the computational expertise.

This Flagship will boost research, innovation and teaching by identifying and overcoming current major bottlenecks; by developing of novel methodologies of model-based data science as a cross-discipline between different fields; and by incorporating this competence into the diverse curricula to be prepared for the data-driven 21st century. It brings together researchers dealing with storage and handling of big data sets, informatics methods to tackle big data sets, and computational methods to interpret the data such as AI/machine learning.

Focus on academic programmes

The Flagship will also cover academic programmes that offer specializations for different fields such as humanities, social sciences, bioinformatics/life sciences, natural sciences to enable sufficient competencies of handling domain-specific research questions.

The Flagship will apply:

  • A core curriculum in computational tools with special focus on big data management and modern analysis techniques like machine learning and AI.

  • Specialisations for different fields such as humanities, social sciences, bioinformatics/life sciences, natural sciences complement the study to enable sufficient competences of handling domain-specific research questions.

  • Distant learning concepts, embedding students in multi-university research projects and

  • Student organized conferences and summer schools will confront students with real-world problems

  • Foster staff exchange between the university partners