
SOLACE SEPSIS: A Pilot Study Comparing the Effects of Sodium Lactate and Saline in Septic Shock Patients

Leading university:

Charles University, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen

Project leader:

Miroslav Kříž

Participating universities:

Charles University, University of Copenhagen

The "A Pilot, Randomized, Double-Blinded, Controlled Study of Hemodynamic and Acid Base Effects of 0.5M Sodium Lactate and 3% Saline Solutions in Septic Shock Patients (SOLACE SEPSIS)" study aims to address the limitations of current evidence regarding hypertonic solution infusion in septic shock and explore the potential benefits of sodium lactate solution in avoiding harmful fluid overload and acidosis associated with chloride-rich solutions. The study will also investigate lactate’s potential immunomodulating effects during shock.

The project integrates young PhD students from 4EU+ universities into an international research team under the guidance of leading experts to optimize fluid therapy in critically ill patients. In addition to research, the project will enhance the clinical skills of the participants, including advanced critical care ultrasonography. The findings from this study are expected to be disseminated through publication in an impact journal and presentations at professional society congresses.