
Post-mining sites: the green gold rush

Leading university:

Charles University, Faculty of Science

Project leader:

Alena Peterková

Participating universities:

Charles University, Heidelberg University, University of Milan, University of Warsaw

The "Post-mining sites: the green gold rush" project explores the transformation of former coal mining areas across Europe into hubs of environmental sustainability and economic opportunity. This initiative seeks to repurpose these landscapes to harness green energy and create new ecological habitats, thus offering solutions that integrate social and technological advancements while preserving the historical essence of the regions.

The project will conduct comprehensive research, including comparative studies and expert interviews, to develop practical policy recommendations. By employing a range of communication methods—from interactive workshops to digital media—the project aims to disseminate findings broadly, ensuring that the potential of post-mining sites is recognized and utilized effectively. This endeavor represents a collaborative effort across multiple universities, utilizing interdisciplinary expertise to address the challenges and opportunities of post-mining transformations.