For students

From fundamental molecular biosciences to biotherapies

4EU+ Alliance Flagship Degree Program: An international Master

Creating the biotherapy experts of the future

The field of biotherapy regroups the therapeutics based on the use of molecules designed from a living organism. This domain has considerably evolved during the recent years thanks to the research progress in vectorology, stem cells, biomaterials and genomics, which have transformed the practices of research laboratories in biotherapy and allowed numerous clinical trials to emerge.

The societal and ethical impact of these new features is huge and the area of biotherapy will need experts in the next future. Future researchers in this field require a strong education in the molecular basis of the physiopathological processes to develop new biotherapy strategies.

The programme

In addition to a high quality, state-of-the-art education in Molecular Biosciences, this master’s programme offers students the opportunity to choose a specialisation option among the different fields of biotherapies: Stem cell and Developmental biology, Cancer biology, Immunology and biotherapies and Bioinformatics for health sciences.

Our final objective is to apply for an EIT health labelled master and to an Erasmus mundus master.

Programme Statistics


Molecular biosciences to biotherapies





Number of ECTS credis:




Programme Plan:

Semester 1:

Sorbonne University

Semester 2:

international mobility

Semesters 3&4:

Sorbonne University


Alliance 4EU:

- Sorbonne Université (Paris)

- University of Heidelberg

- Charles University (Prague)

Other partners:

- University Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona)

- University of Lisbon

- University of Sao Paulo

- Potential to associate private companies from the EIT Health Initiative

Application deadline: 30 April 2019

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