Calls & Grant Support Service

Other calls

CHARLESTON Call for Postdoctoral Fellowship Applications Open

4EU+ is an official partner of the Charleston project.

Charles University (CU) has launched the first call for applicants within the CHARLESTON programme, co-funded by the European Commission's MSCA COFUND initiative (Horizon Europe). This call will support research by 10 early-career researchers, who will spend 24 months at the university and undertake a 3 to 6-month secondment in a non-academic institution. Postdoctoral researchers can submit their applications until 31 May 2025 2 pm Prague time.

The programme is based on three pillars:

  • The supported projects will contribute to sustainable development and societal impact in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

  • Secondments in non-academic institutions will strengthen intersectoral collaboration and knowledge transfer.

  • A new career development programme for early-career researchers at the university will include specialized courses and mentoring.

An online webinar for applicants will take place on Thursday, 27 March 2025, at 14:00 (Prague time). Participation is only possible with prior registration. Please register via this link.

Call for Evaluators

We invite external evaluators to contribute to the selection process for proposals submitted under the MSCA COFUND project Charleston at Charles University. The Call for Evaluators deadline is 31 May 2025. The Charleston programme is Charles University’s scheme to fund 20 postdoctoral researchers to execute a research projects at a Charles University faculty or institute. The programme is co-funded from the Horizon Europe – MSCA COFUND scheme. We seek evaluators with established proficiency in any scientific field. We especially encourage applications from female experts.

What are the benefits for evaluators:

- Discover innovative projects advancing sustainability across diverse scientific fields.

- Gain insights into potential inter-sectoral collaboration opportunities.

- Reviewers will be compensated in accordance with the European Commission's standard remuneration for external experts.

If you are interested in becoming an independent expert evaluator for the Charleston program, we invite you to fill in the registration form here. 

Are you interested in this call? Find out more on the separate page dedicated to this call.

Should you have any questions related to the evaluation process or your work as an independent evaluator, please contact Eva at  

Franco-German call for proposals - Trilateral Research Conferences - networking of researchers in the humanities and social sciences

In order to sustainably promote the exchange and networking of researchers in the humanities and social sciences in Italy, Germany and France, and with the explicit aim of supporting the use of Italian, German and French as scientific languages, Villa Vigoni, the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) and the Fondation Maison des Sciences de l'Homme (FMSH) have developed the programme of ‘Trilateral Research Conferences’, in which multilingualism is a key principle.

For more information please visit Bando italo-franco-tedesco - Villa Vigoni | Centro italo-tedesco per il dialogo europeo

The Czech Science Foundation (GACR) - Lead Agency grant projects

International projects (LA projects) evaluated on the “Lead Agency” principle are aimed at supporting international cooperation in basic research on the basis of signed Memorandums of Understanding with foreign partner agencies:

  • Germany – German Research Foundation (DFG)

  • Poland – National Science Centre (NCN)

  • Switzerland – Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)

Terms and Conditions – Lead Agency 2025 (GACR is LA)

Things to Watch For – Lead Agency 2025

Call for applications to support bilateral Czech-German research, development and innovation projects in the mobility activity, with a duration of 2025-2026

The Mobility activity is designed to establish contacts and develop cooperation between institutions active in the field of research, development and innovation in partner countries by supporting the mobility of researchers collaborating on international research projects. Providers are in the Czech Republic - the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, in the programme: activity Mobility 8J and in the Federal Republic of Germany - provider is the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (hereinafter referred to as "DAAD").

Call 8J25DE is the realisation of this intention on the Czech side. The deadline for the submission of applications for Call 8J25DE is 10 June 2024.

The call from the German partner is published here: Förderprogramme finden - DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst.

Call for applications for grants to support bilateral Czech-French research, development and innovation projects in the mobility activity, with a duration of 2025-2026

The Mobility activity is designed to establish contacts and develop cooperation between institutions active in the field of research, development and innovation in partner countries by supporting the mobility of researchers collaborating on international research projects. Providers are in the Czech Republic - the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, in the programme: activity Mobility 8J and in France - the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs (MEAE) and the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation (MESRI), in the programme: PHC BARRANDE.

Call 8J25FR is the realisation of this intention on the Czech side. The deadline for the submission of applications for Call 8J25FR is 30 May 2024.

CALL_ 8J25FR_Mobility 2025-2026.pdf

Annex I. Call 8J25FR_Application form.docx

The foreign partner of the Czech applicant participates in the selection of the project in France, according to the rules of the French provider.

The call from the French partner is published here:

Erasmus+ Higher Education (staff training)

Erasmus+ supports training periods for staff working in higher education institutions.

4EU+ Fellowships for Doctoral Candidates and Researchers impacted by the war in the Middle East

The 4EU+ fellowships are intended for doctoral candidates, postdoctoral researchers and professors. The fellowship programme aims to enable them to spend one or several months doing research at Heidelberg University in order, for instance, to conduct or advance their own research project, to continue individual work towards an academic qualification or to collaborate in a research project based in Heidelberg. More information can be found at Heidelberg University website.

Applications, in German or English, must be made in electronic form – if possible as one PDF file – and addressed to Dr. Anne Sommer, 4EU+ Office | European Office:

Closing date: 31 March 2024

Call for expression of interest for prospective MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships candidates at Charles University

Charles University is seeking postdocs for upcoming MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2024 (HORIZON-MSCA-2024-PF-01). More information can be found in attached leaflet and at our website – European Centre. List of topics and supervisors is here as well. In the Czech Republic, we also have a Seal of Excellence funding scheme, which increases the chances of our applicants for funding.

Call for expression of interest for MSCA-PF candidates at Sorbonne University

Sorbonne University has launched its call for prospective MSCA-PF candidates for the 2024 session. Several of our renowned researchers in Humanities, Chemistry, Physics, Engineering, Biology, Medicine and Marine Sciences are looking for bright young scientists to apply to the MSCA-PF call and we are collecting expressions of interest on their behalf. Our call is open until the end of February 2024, the prospective candidates will be put in contact with the supervisors and selected promising applicants will be invited for a one-week on site meet-up + Master class on MSCA writing in Paris in June (travel and hosting included). We also recently started a Seal of Excellence funding scheme for SU projects of the 2023 MSCA-PF call and future 2024 call, increasing the chances of funding for our applicants.

The list of topics and application information can be found here: