Flagship Programme Committees

Flagship 4 Programme Committee

Flagship 4 coordinators

David Siaussat

Sorbonne University

Paris Institute of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, Sensory Ecology Department, Head of the Chemoreception and Adaptation team, Head of the Ecophysiology and Ecotoxicology Masters course, Sustainable development and environmental transition advisor at Sorbonne University

Géraldine Pflieger

University of Geneva

Department of political science and International Relations, Geneva School of Social Science. Institute for environmental science (ISE). Director of the Institute for environmental science. Co-head of the UNESCO Chair in Hydropolitics at the University of Geneva

Flagship 4 Programme Committee members

Charles University

Aleš Soukup

Charles University

Plant Biologist, Department of Experimental Plant Biology,

Vice-dean for international affairs at the Faculty of Science

Adam Petrusek

Charles University

Aquatic ecologist; Professor at the Department of Ecology, Faculty Science

Heidelberg University

Tanja Peskan-Berghöfer

Heidelberg University

Heidelberg Center for the Environment; Coordinator of Flagship 4 activities at Heidelberg University and plant biologist

Thomas Rausch

Heidelberg University

Heidelberg Center for the Environment (HCE) & Centre for Organismal Studies (COS), Managing Director of the HCE and former Managing Co-director of the Marsilius Kolleg (Heidelberg center of advanced study)

Rosa Lehmann

Heidelberg University

Juniorprofessor “Innovation and Sustainability in Ibero-America”, Heidelberg Center for Ibero-American Studies (HCIAS), Heidelberg Center for the Environment (HCE) & Institute for Geography

Sorbonne University

David Siaussat

Sorbonne University

Paris Institute of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, Sensory Ecology Department, Head of the Chemoreception and Adaptation team, Head of the Ecophysiology and Ecotoxicology Masters course, Sustainable development and environmental transition advisor at Sorbonne University

Marianne Cohen

Sorbonne University

Full professor, Geography and planning Department, Faculty of Humanities, Sorbonne University, Research unit: Médiations. Member of the board of the Flagship 4 and of the Institute of Environmental transition (SU-Ite). Head of the ETTES course (Environment, Time, Territories and Society) in the GAED Master's programme

University of Copenhagen

Bo Jellesmark Thorsen

University of Copenhagen

Department of Food and Resource Economics, Faculty of Science

Ole Henckel

University of Copenhagen

Faculty Offices, Faculty of Science

Rasmus Kjøller

University of Copenhagen

PhD Associate Professor, Dept. Biology, Head of Biology studies

University of Geneva

Geraldine Pflieger

University of Geneva

Department of political science and International Relations, Geneva School of Social Science. Institute for environmental science (ISE). Director of the Institute for environmental science. Co-head of the UNESCO Chair in Hydropolitics at the University of Geneva

Martin Patel

University of Geneva

Chair for Energy Efficiency, Faculty of Science, University of Geneva. Institute for environmental science (ISE). Department F.-A. Forel for environmental and aquatic science (DEFSE)

University of Milan

Carlo Pozzi

University of Milan

Associate professor of crop genetics, Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. Head of Studies - Joint-degree Master in Global Environment and Development. PI for two research institutions in Italy, author of over 40 publications

Gianalberto Losapio

University of Milan

Head of Biodiversity Change group, Department of Biosciences

Carlo Polidori

University of Milan

Department of Environmental Science and Policy (ESP)

University of Warsaw

Katarzyna Roguz

University of Warsaw

Mariola Zalewska

University of Warsaw

Flagship administrator

Lilia Brimaud

Sorbonne University

Project Officer at the 4EU+ local office (SU), Flagship 4 Adminsitrative Manager