Flagship 3: Digitisation - Modelling - Transformation

Projects and activities

Flagship 3 Summer School

The annual Flagship 3 Summer School is aimed at PhD candidates and advanced Master’s students. The member universities take turns in organizing the summer school, taking advantage of the expertise and networks of the local 4EU+ university and allowing participants from all member institutions to travel to a different city. To date, the following schools have taken place or are scheduled: 

The topics for the Flagship 3 Summer School are within the theoretical scope of the Flagship – computational methods and mathematics – but also include applications in other sciences, such as physics, biology, chemistry, and medicine.  

Participating universities: all 4EU+ universities 

Contact person: Krzysztof Turzynski, Univesity of Warsaw, 

Integrative Think Tank

The Integrative Think Tank (ITT) is an annual five-day event that brings together young researchers – PhD candidate and advanced Master’s students – with industry representatives to translate real-world challenges into scientific research questions. The seven member universities take turns in organizing the event and invite local companies or government organizations to contribute challenges they face in their operations. After the challenges are presented, the participants and supervising lecturers break into groups to analyze the challenges and turn them into research project outlines that can be scientifically investigated. After the event, the students, the university, and the partner companies work together to convert the project outlines into actual research projects. To date, the following Integrative Think Tank events have taken place or are scheduled: 

Participating universities: all 4EU+ universities 

Contact person: Michael Winckler, Heidelberg University, 

Master's Programme Artificial Intelligence (in development)

The Master’s Pathway in Artificial Intelligence is one of two Flagship 3 educational pathways. This project, which is currently in development, is a network of existing Master’s programmes and works similarly to a student exchange, but students who complete the pathway receive a double degree. The pathway is expected to welcome its first students in the winter semester of 2023/2024. Students participating in this pathway enroll in an existing Master’s program at one of the participating member universities, where they complete their first year. They choose one of the other participating member universities for their second year of study, based on a pre-agreed curriculum that matches their educational goals and interests. Both universities recognize the curricular activities completed at the respective partner institution and award the degree designated for the Master in Artificial Intelligence Pathway. For example, a student studying at the University of Milan and Heidelberg University will earn an MSc. Artificial Intelligence and a MSc. Scientific Computing.  

Participating universities: Charles University, Heidelberg University, Sorbonne University, University of Copenhagen, University of Geneva

Contact person: Vincenzo Piuri, University of Milan, 

Master's Programme Mathematical Modelling (in development)

The Master’s programme in Mathematical Modelling is one of the Flagship 3 educational pathways. This project is currently in development and will be modelled after its counterpart, the Master in Artificial Intelligence.  

Contact person: Vladislav Kuboň, Charles University, 

Data Literacy

Our data literacy project is aimed at everyone affiliated with our seven member institutions, but also explicitly at the general public. Data surrounds us in our daily lives – in our studies and at work, but also at home and in our leisure activities. We create, collect, and share data, often without necessarily being aware of it. Algorithmic biases determine which data we see and which we do not. Data can shape thoughts, feelings, preferences, and actions, spread good practices, or mistrust and radicalization. The data literacy project aims to raise awareness of the risks and opportunities of data-driven technologies, and to empower individuals to make more informed decisions when using them. To this end, the free online 4EU+ course “Data Literacy - What is it and Why Does it Matter?” was established. No prior knowledge is required for this self-paced course, which takes approximately eleven hours to complete.  

Participating universities: Charles University, Sorbonne University, University of Copenhagen, University of Geneva

Contact person: Fabien Pazuki, University of Copenhagen, 

Bachelor Mathematics Student Task

The Bachelor Mathematics Student Task (BMST) is a course in which undergraduate students create a wiki on mathematical topics tailored to their peers – bachelor level students. They work intensively on a specific topic for eight weeks and produce an

openly accessible wiki page, which is available here. This project brings together students from different member universities at an early stage of their academic careers to work independently, albeit with supervising instructors, and in an international team. While the course is delivered online, each team of students travels to the partner university that provided the topic for the final week. Students from all 4EU+ universities have participated in the course. To date, the following Bachelor Mathematics Student Task courses have taken place or are scheduled:  

Participating universities: all 4EU+ universities 

Contact person: Fabien Pazuki, University of Copenhagen, 

Thinking AI

The Thinking AI project began as an online course, but has since been expanded to include a workshop held at Sorbonne in May 2023. The project is concerned with the societal aspects of artificial intelligence. More precisely, it explores the ethical, legal, and social implications of AI. The online course is open to the public regardless of their background and academic level. While the online course is taught by AI specialists, the workshop at Sorbonne invites PhD candidates working in the field to present their work, followed by a joint discussion. The Thinking AI events can be found here:  

Participating universities: Sorbonne University, University of Milan, University of Copenhagen 

Contact person: Xavier Fresquet, Sorbonne University,