Opportunities & events
4EU+ summer school in machine learning in physics

Apply by: 1 May 2025

4EU+ summer school in machine learning in physics

The summer school Between models and reality: school in machine learning in physics focuses on the application of machine learning to physics research and the many challenges and solutions it entails. The summer school's primary focus is on application and it combines lectures, exercises and social events. Read the course description and apply.

The summer school is relevant to PhD students in the field of physics (or a related 'large research data' science), who want to learn more about both basic and more advanced machine learning approaches and ways of thinking.

Lectures will be delivered by a diverse group of physicists and computer scientists, led by the world-class researchers Tilman Plehn (Heidelberg University) and Thea Aarrestad (ETH Zurich) on topics such as:

  • Bayesian neural networks

  • Uncertainty quantification and learning

  • Generative machine learning

  • Representation learning

  • Fast machine learning

  • Physics-informed neural networks

Venue: Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen

When: 2 to 6 June 2025

Credits: 2.5 ECTS

Fee: No course fee for PhD students from 4EU+ universities.

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