Opportunities & events
Apply for a fellowship with Sorbonne University and SOUND.AI

Apply by: 31 January

Apply for a fellowship with Sorbonne University and SOUND.AI

Sorbonne University and SCAI are excited to invite international early-stage researchers to apply for a fellowship within SOUND.AI- Sorbonne University for a New Deal on Artificial Intelligence.

Co-funded by the European Union, SCAI is offering 30 fellowships, with a duration of three years, that address three key areas:

  • Changing societies, languages and cultures

  • A global approach to health

  • Resources for a sustainable planet

These fellowships will enable selected candidates to work in one of the most dynamic AI communities in the world, providing them with a stimulating research experience and setting them up for exciting future endeavors.

Candidates must already be in possession of a master’s degree, but must not have completed a doctoral degree. They should also have an excellent level of English, and have not carried out their main activity in France for more than 12 months over the past 36 months.

Application deadline: 31 January 2024