For students

“Entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial project management” University Diploma

The “Entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial project management” University Diploma is designed for those with a master’s degree or higher and who want to be trained in project management. This diploma enables graduates to work for a big company in intrapreneurship, a start-up or to develop associations or organizations committed social, economic or ecological transformation.

The degree offered to the 4EU+ students is in English. It is designed for recently graduated students who want to use their expertise and energy for an innovative project who want to learn how to work in a team and be introduced to a multidisciplinary approach. It is based on experiential learning, which emphasizes learning through action. In the context of this diploma, the company and partner institutions present a project or a challenge that is extremely innovative. The students are then divided into project teams to work together solving the issue.

Concise presentation of the schedule

The “Entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial project management” University Diploma has two main components. The first is 80 hours of classes in the fundamental elements in entrepreneurship: identify opportunities and co-building using design thinking to propose innovative solutions, settle on an economic model, look for financing, take a creative approach, launch a business activity using bootstrapping, make a convincing case to stakeholders.

Most of the class will be held online.

The second component is a real project management case on innovation about a subject raised by one of the university partner organisations, supported by a pedagogical framework and to learn intrapreneurial project management fundamentals. The multidisciplinary teams work for six months in order to design, test and present an innovative solution to the given challenge. This practical exercise allows students to develop skills to lead innovative projects, manage teams and multidisciplinary approaches.

Organization of the diploma

The program is for one academic year

  • Autumn: master classes about entrepreneurship essentials

  • January-June: half-time on learning intrapreneurial project management fundamentals and half-time on project management with a multidisciplinary team on an issue driven by a silent partner of Sorbonne University. Part-time internships agreements are possible.

Applications and contact

The tuition fees as well as the transportation and accommodation costs will be covered. Only the students of the participating universities (SU, UHD, UNIMI and UW) can apply for the university diploma training.

Students should apply by sending a letter of intent and a CV to the corresponding person in their university:

The deadline to apply is the 16 September 2022.

The students who are accepted to the program will be informed by email on the 19th of September.

The program will start on the 7 November 2022.