
Fifty participants meet at the UNREAD project conference in Warsaw

Urban transformation processes, gentrification, environmental law, architecture and memory in cities… These are some of the topics discussed during the final conference of the “UNREAD” project that took place on 24 and 25 March 2022. „Urban Regulations and Political Memory: Towards understanding Spatio-Temporal aspects of Urban Development” (UNREAD) is one of the 4EU+ educational projects, an interdisciplinary course conducted by a team of historians, lawyers and geographers from 3 universities: the University of Warsaw, University of Milan and Charles University. During the 30-hour course, the students participated in online lectures conducted by academic teachers from the 4EU+ universities.

38 students and PhD candidates and 12 academics participated in the last part of the project, a conference organised at the University of Warsaw Library. Students prepared essays and presented them during two panels of the conference. The participants had an opportunity to enjoy guided tours around the University of Warsaw campus and library, listen to a concert, integrate with colleagues from other universities, and develop international contacts.

We asked the participants to share with us their experiences and reflections about participation in the UNREAD project – watch the video to hear about their impressions:

Recordings from selected parts of the event are also available to watch on YouTube:

Day 1:

Day 2:

Read more about the UNREAD project: