Projects and activities

Frontiers, boundaries, thresholds: rethinking European citizenship with migrant literature

The European community is conceived as a transnational, plural and diverse space. However, its social imaginary still conceals an inverse gesture to that of inclusion, generating a menacing and sinister image of 'the Other'. Conditioned by its history of hegemony, Europe is accustomed to evaluating the world with reference to its own ideal of civilization, not contaminated with “the perspective of the Other”. Those perspectives are fundamental for reconfiguring current European agency. This project aims at studying “the perspectives of the Other" codified in the migrant literature from Latin America that is created within the continent in order to discuss the canon of Latin-American literature which is turning transcultural as well as to analyse how this literature creates an alternative imaginary for Europe, thanks to which its boundaries are redefined and the very concepts of “nation” and “citizenship” are reconsidered and questioned.

Short-term aims of the network:

  • Panel Session – International Conference “Auto/biografías de parias y tránsfugas en Latinoamérica y España, Siglos XX y XXI”, University of Warsaw, April 2021.

  • A Summer School for MA and PhD Students “Frontiers, boundaries, thresholds: rethinking European citizenship with migrant literature” (“Fronteras, umbrales, confines: literatura migrante latinoamericana en Europa”), Warsaw, Sept. 2021.

  • A one-semester course “Frontiers, boundaries, thresholds: rethinking European citizenship with migrant literature” (“Fronteras, umbrales, confines: literatura migrante latinoamericana en Europa”) co-organised by the members of the project and dedicated for MA and PhD Students of our three universities. The course would end with a students’ congress on the subject matter.

The above didactic activities will be prepared in the framework of Master in Migration Studies, approved and funded by 4EU+, coordinated by the University of Milan.

Long-term aims of the network:

  • Establishing new ties among researchers from the University of Warsaw, the University of Milano and the University of Heidelberg, Charles University

  • Preparing shared research and didactic activities in the field of innovative teaching, linked to inclusive teaching

  • Continuing to support the Master in Migration Studies, through the construction of focus groups centered on the specificity of different linguistic-cultural areas

Project team:

Dr hab. Karolina Kumor - Instytut Studiów Iberyjskich i Iberoamerykańskich, Uniwersytet Warszawski

Dr hab. Katarzyna Moszczyńska-Dürst - Instytut Studiów Iberyjskich i Iberoamerykańskich, Uniwersytet Warszawski

Prof. Emilia Perassi - Dipartimento di lingue e letterature straniere. Letterature ispanoamericane, Università degli Studi di Milano.

Mgr. Dora Poláková Ph.D. - Ústav románských studií, Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta

Dr. Karen Saban – Romanisches Seminar der Karl-Ruprecht Universität Heidelberg

Prof. Laura Scarabelli - Dipartimento di Lingue, Letterature, Culture e Mediazioni. Letterature ispanoamericane, Università degli Studi di Milano.

Paola Mancosu - Dipartimento di Lingue, Letterature, Culture e Mediazioni. Letterature ispanoamericane, Univeristà degli Studi di Milano.

Contact information:

Please feel free to contact the Project Coordinators with any questions:

dr hab. Karolina Kumor -

dr hab. Katarzyna Moszczyńska-Dürst -