Projects and activities

Eastern Europe in Intercontextual Frameworks

The project aims at a comprehensive analysis of changes and challenges of the post-socialist transformation of Eastern Europe countries, focusing on its political, social, cultural and other aspects. The project has a strong interdisciplinary agenda and presents a platform for mutual collaboration combining inputs from fields such as contemporary history, political science, cultural, linguistic and regional.

The main research areas are:

  • Post-Soviet (-socialist) transformation, transition, and their aspects (social, political, cultural, constitutional, etc.);

  • neo-nationalism, and the new wave of national emancipation;

  • populism and (post-socialist) democracy including the constitutional aspects;

  • language policy and language planning in post-soviet countries;

  • experience of totalitarianism, socialism and post-socialism;

  • identity formation and state ideology;

  • historical memory and historical consciousness, etc.

Long-term aims of the network:

  • research excellence: the project requires collaboration between excellent international scholars and doctoral students; it project entails interdisciplinary research in contemporary political, social, cultural and other aspects of the Eastern Europe region with respect to its past as seen from different perspectives;

  • shared framework for education: the project provides a shared educational platform for all the affiliated members; it seeks to improve research-based educational techniques (both teaching and learning) of the team members;

  • networking: scholars and students (MA and Ph.D.) will create a strong academic network; students will get in touch with affiliated experts and be offered the opportunity to join the project and get professional feedback to their own research.

Short-term aims of the network:

  • Interdisciplinary Summer School "Eastern Europe from the Post-Socialist Perspective: Changes and Challenges", 24-28 August 2020, Charles University, Prague; affiliated lecturers from the University of Milan, University of Warsaw, and University of Heidelberg will deliver thematically organized lectures followed by methodological seminars and workshops;

  • creating, specifying and implementing new interdisciplinary approaches and interdisciplinary methodology of teaching and research of the East European region, which could be applied at 4EU+ member universities as from the academic year 2021/22; in 2020, the project will focus on straightening the network relations of team members in order to create a resilient interdisciplinary platform for joint activities (workshops, publications, etc.).

Project team:

  • Dr Alena Marková, Faculty of Humanities, Charles University, Prague (Coordinator)

  • Prof. Angela Di Gregorio, Department of International, Legal, Historical and Political Studies, University of Milan

  • Dr Arianna Angeli, Department of International, Legal, Historical and Political Studies, University of Milan

  • Dr hab. Joanna Getka, Head of Department of Central and East European Intercultural Studies, Faculty of Applied Linguistics, University of Warsaw

  • Dr hab. Jerzy Grzybowski, Department of Central and East European Intercultural Studies, Faculty of Applied Linguistics, University of Warsaw

  • Dr Anaïs Marin, Centre for French Culture, University of Warsaw / Chatham House

  • PhDr. Stanislav Tumis, M.A., Ph.D., Head of Department of East European Studies, Faculty of Arts, Charles University

  • Dr Karoline Thaidigsmann, Slavisches Institut, University of Heidelberg

  • Dr Felicitas Fischer von Weikersthal, Historisches Seminar, Lehrstuhl für Osteuropäische Geschichte, University of Heidelberg

Contact information:

Please feel free to contact the Project Coordinator with any questions:

Dr Alena Marková:
