Opportunities & events
MEET2TALK online event: How to make study groups work? (20 September)

MEET2TALK online event: How to make study groups work? (20 September)

The MEET2TALK online events are back! During the upcoming lecture on 20 September, Ruth Horak (Senior Executive Consultant for Digital Learning, Department for Education & Students, University of Copenhagen) will speak about an innovative 'matchmaking' project developed at UCPH that addresses frequent challenges in students' group work.

Study groups can prove an effective way for nursing students to collaborate, learn and share knowledge. What can be done to enhance a study group's success? What is a stronger success factor: group homogeneity of attitudes and approaches or the existence of ttools supporting the students' collaborative work? And finally: can an algorithm prevent a study group from falling apart?

Wednesday, 20 September 2023, 6 to 8 p.m.

Language: English

The event will take place online via MS Teams (join via this link)

Find further details about the lecture in the flyer:


The lecture on 20 September is a third installment in the MEET2TALK series and follows two other online events:

The MEET2TALK series organised by the Teaching & Learning Team of Heidelberg University's heiSKILLS Competence and Language Centre offers a regular platform for those involved in higher education to exchange views on current topics of teaching and learning and to engage in discussion based on good practice examples