6. 11. 2024
Flagship 3 news:
October 2024 marked an exciting milestone for the AIPHY programme, recently awarded the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant, as research teams from across the 4EU+ Alliance gathered in Geneva to kick off this innovative initiative.
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22. 7. 2024
Flagship 2 news:
On 10-11 June 2024, the University of Warsaw hosted the Flagship 2 workshop titled "Challenges for Europeanness in Times of Global Crises: Initiatives for a Responsible, Open, and Progressive Europe in the 21st Century".
29. 5. 2023
The Faculty of Science at Charles University hosted a groundbreaking workshop on 9-12 May as part of the 4EU+ educational project "VIRTCHEM: The VIRtual Immersive Education for CHEMistry and Chemical Engineering.
3. 3. 2023
The second edition of the project VIRtual Immersive Education for CHEMistry and Chemical Engineering (VIRTCHEM) has started with a workshop in Milan, held from 21 to 24 February 2023. This 4EU+ joint course allows participants to "virtually" dive into the world of chemistry.
12. 12. 2022
Read the research diary of the students who took part in a project analysing a board game from the mathematical perspective and share their experience and what they learnt during the process.
2. 12. 2022
In mid-November, the Student Workshop on Applied Mathematics took place at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University. The three-day international event, organised within a student mini-grant brought closer the application of mathematics across disciplines.
29. 7. 2019
On 19 June 2019, Sorbonne University, together with the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), Natural History Museum and several other partners, officially launched the Sorbonne University Centre for Artificial Intelligence (SCAI).