Calls & Grant Support Service

4EU+ calls


Call for all researchers and academics of the 4EU+ member institutions to submit joint, innovative proposals that will make a significant impact on strengthening 4EU+ and our strategic partnership. The funding of this initiative comes directly from the budgets of 4EU+ member universities.

Call for applications for the academic year 2024-2025

Deadline for submitting proposals is 30 September 2024.

4EU+ Visiting Professorships

The call seeks to enhance the knowledge and skills of academic staff and lead to the creation of novel expertise within 4EU+. It intends to enlarge the community of researchers and academics that are actively involved in 4EU+ activities. The programme is funded from the budget of the 4EU+ European University Alliance Association.

Call for applications for the academic year 2024-2025

Deadline for submitting proposals is 20 May 2024.

4EU+ cotutelles

The aim of this call is to enhance research collaborations across 4EU+ member universities by jointly funding doctoral contracts. In the 2024-2025 period, Sorbonne University will allocate funds for 4 doctoral contracts, Charles University for 2, and the University of Milan for 1. Supported by a mobility grant, doctoral candidates will spend at least one year at the Co-director's institution.

Call for projects 2024

Charles University 4EU+ Student Mini-grants

Charles University will, for the third time, support up to 10 projects through so-called student mini-grants, seed funding for teams from the 4EU+ universities. This scheme aims to encourage students and young researchers from all around the 4EU+ Alliance to collaborate without the limitation of their fields, faculties, or universities. The projects can focus on initiating international research collaboration, organizing joint educational activities (workshops, soft skill courses, etc.) and developing socio-cultural collaboration and strengthening the third role of the university (active involvement in the social discourse and search for solutions to global economic, social and environmental issues).

Charles University 4EU+ Student Mini-grants: Call for applications 2024

Deadline for submitting proposals is 29 February 2024.

Charles University 4EU+ Academic Mini-grants

Charles University supports teams collaborating within the 4EU+ Alliance through so-called mini-grants. For the year 2024, teams comprising academics from Charles University and at least two other 4EU+ universities can apply for financial support in this seed-funding project scheme.

Charles University 4EU+ Academic Mini-grants: Call for applications 2024

Deadline for submitting proposals is 29 February 2024.