
Urban regulations and political memory: towards understanding spatio-temporal aspects of urban development PLUS (UNREAD+)

Leading university:

University of Warsaw

Project leader:

Ph.D. Karolina Wojciechowska



Flagship 1: Urban health and demographic change

Participating universities:

Charles University, Sorbonne University, University of Milan, University of Warsaw

The project aims to maintain, strengthen, and expand existing cooperation between four universities: University of Warsaw, Charles University, University of Milan, and Sorbonne University. The project includes extended teaching activities, as well as new scientific activities. The objectives of the project include expanding cooperation in teaching and scientific collaboration, improving organisational and administrative collaboration, expanding the team in geography by involving additional faculties, cooperating with practitioners through workshops and seminars, disseminating the outcomes of the course through new communication routes, and providing additional soft skills for students and tutors.

See the UNREAD project's website