Extension of competences and knowledge-based education of natural hazards and environmental change. UNIMI, UHD, CU (leader)
Collegio Futuro - A college for future leaders of a sustainable European future. UHD, SU, CU, UNIMI, UW
Use of genomic editing through CRISPR / Cas9 for the protection of species of agricultural interest – CRISPRes. UCPH, CU, UNIMI (leader)
ABC in biodiversity. SU, UW (leader)
Biodiversity, sustainability in the agro-food system 4EU+ Microcredentials (MICROBS). SU, CU, UCPH, UW, UNIMI (leader)
Manage and Organize Virtual Excursions (MOVE). UHD, UW, SU (leader)
A Gate Opener for a Master Joint Degree on Environment and Development. UW, UCPH, UNIMI (leader)
MERGED: Erasmus Mundus Joint Master in Global Environment and Development. UCPH, UW, UNIMI
Co-creating knowledge on entrepreneurship for sustainable development. (2021_F4_01). SU, UCPH, UW, UHD (leader).
Towards a European School of Environmental Economics & Policy (EuSEEP) - Preparatory Winter School. (2020/F4/11). CU, UCPH, UNIMI, UW, UHD (leader).
CORE+: Chemical and biophysical investigation Of Ribosome Emergence. SU, UNIMI, CU (leader)
From Fungal Morphology to Genotype. UCPH, UW, CU (leader)
Remote Sensing of the Cryosphere Dynamics under the influence of Climate Change. UHD, UNIMI, CU (leader)
Ruderalization and invasive species spread as a consequences of land abandonment in European landscapes after 1990: detection and assessment using remote sensing. UHD, UCPH, UNIGE, UW, CU (leader)
Tomorrow’s research and science innovation in students startups. (event)
Collaborative research on high mountain cryosphere under the influence of climate change. (seminar)
DevelopM3EP : Development of a joint master's program in European environmental economics and policy. Led by UCPH.
RECHARGE : Ribosome emergence: role of CHARGE, nucleic acid and peptide sequence and structure in phase behavior and activity. Led by UNIMI.
DFIELD : Designing behavioral interventions on the ground in Europe to reduce exposure to air pollution and the resulting damage. Led by UHD.
PoNACEE : The postdoc network in agricultural, climate and environmental economics. Led by UCPH.
MOVE : Manage and organize virtual excursions. Led by SU.
IBLA : 4EU+ Summer School in International Business Law. Led by UCPH.
SUFORECO : New sustainable food systems: understanding and driving the necessary change in research and communication. Led by UNIMI.
Five of the 4EU+ partners (Charles, Copenhagen, Heidelberg, Milan, and Warsaw) are preparing an application for a joint M.Sc. program “Master in European Environmental Economics & Management (M3EP)”, to be submitted under the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Program (EMJM).
We are also currently working on dual degree between the University of Warsaw and the University of Copenhagen on Ecology and Evolution.
Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolution : The Biodiversity, Ecology, and Evolution learning pathway is part of the educational offer of the 4EU+ Alliance, with the aim to mitigate current limitations.