2024 Visiting Professors

Multilingual Digital Europe: Discourse, Stereotypes, and Linguistic Diversity in Communication

🗣️ Multilingualism | 💻 Digital communication | 🗨️ Stereotypes in discourse

Project description

The project entitled “Communicating in Multilingual Digital Europe,” directly linked to Flagship 2: Europeanness: multilingualism, pluralities, citizenship focuses on pragmatic and discourse phenomena, as well as the convergences and divergences between languages (German, English, Polish, and Italian) as semiotic systems and communication tools. The research examines social discourse and stereotypes, particularly the Us vs. Them opposition in multilingual digital communication. Diagnosing, reconstructing, and eliminating stereotypes related to multilingualism and foreignness is crucial for promoting linguistic diversity in Europe.

Period abroad: October - December 2025

Ewa Żebrowska on the value of the VP programme

"My 4EU+ Visiting Professorship provided an opportunity to strengthen my collaboration with researchers from the University of Milan—Prof. Dr. Fabio Mollica and Prof. Dr. Carolina Flinz—for future joint projects and grant applications. I gained valuable international experience and new perspectives on my scientific work. The programme enriched my professional background and broadened my research horizons. Participating in the academic life of another university was also highly rewarding.

I strongly recommend the Visiting Professorship programme to anyone seeking to expand their knowledge, build their professional network, and exchange ideas with peers from partner universities."