The project focuses on postsymbolist culture in Central Europe and its broader European context.
Xavier Galmiche’s research explores the literary and philosophical contributions of Anna Pammrová (1860–1945), an influential feminist writer, translator, and philosopher of Bohemia’s fin de siècle culture. Pammrová’s works, including her best-known text Antieva, engage with themes of spirituality, gender, and alternative philosophical traditions.
During the professorship, lectures will be held at the Department of Czech and Comparative Literature, Faculty of Arts, covering topics such as:
Holanology – micro reading or broad comparatism?
Czech writers translated into French
Workshop on the edition of Anna Pammrová’s work (Monday, 14 April 2025)
The project is linked to the forthcoming publication You Are Destined for Parnassus and I for the Desert…, a collection of correspondence between Anna Pammrová and Czech symbolist poet Otokar Březina, co-edited and translated by Galmiche alongside Czech and French scholars.
Xavier Galmiche has been involved in 4EU+ since 2021, contributing to workshops on Francophone and Central European studies and organising shared courses (Thinking Memory, Dissidence and Creation, Samizdat – and what after?).
Period abroad: February - April 2025
"Ensemble et différents. 4EU+ est une invention providentielle pour permettre à des collègues de coconstruire des savoirs pluriels, dans la diversité linguistique et culturelle.
Together and different. 4EU+ is a providential invention that enables colleagues to co-construct multiple forms of knowledge, in linguistic and cultural diversity."